Katalog 36. aukce PROFIL na Internetu!
Katalog 36. aukce PROFIL na internetu!
Více než 1.500 položek, mnoho rarit, řada unikátů a nádherný střední materiál. Sestavy a sbírky za symbolické ceny! Možnost nákupu na splátky.
Katalog 36. aukce PROFIL na internetu!
Více než 1.500 položek, mnoho rarit, řada unikátů a nádherný střední materiál. Sestavy a sbírky za symbolické ceny! Možnost nákupu na splátky.
The objectives and concept of One Frame National Philatelic Exhibition "Stampmania 2009" are to provide for both new collectors to start exhibiting on a small scale at a National Exhibition and also to provide established collectors an opportunity to show exhibits on subjects or themes that cannot be treated well in more than one frame or to show new ideas and developments. In fact, the one frame exhibit concept is to use a subject completely covered in one frame. One Frame exhibits are a chance for both beginners and committed exhibitors.
The emphasis is placed upon knowledge, presentation and development of the subject. The exhibit should hold visitors' attention from the first to the last page and be informative, as well as educational.
Idea behind organizing One Frame Philatelic Exhibition at Vadodara is to create awareness about One Frame Exhibits which gives an opportunity to the Philatelists to participate in International Philatelic Exhibitions without any pre qualifications. "Stampmania 2009" will provide an opportunity to maximum number of philatelists to participate in First National One Frame Philatelic Exhibition from all over India.
The first ever National One Frame Philatelic Exhibition "Stampmania 2009" is being organized by Baroda Philatelic Society, Vadodara.
Baroda Philatelic Society was established on 27th April, 1975, with 17 founder members. It is one of the oldest Society in the state of Gujarat. Baroda Philatelic Society is dedicated to the cause of philately and all its Executives are working on voluntary basis.
Aim of Baroda Philatelic Society is to help the active philatelists of the city and to meet under a common platform for gaining and sharing knowledge and the inter flow of communication between its members.
Baroda Philatelic Society has successfully organised 9 philatelic exhibitions in the city of Baroda to create the awareness amongst the philatelists of Baroda. 15 cancellations on different subjects has been sponsored by the Society on various occasions. Philatelic Workshops are conducted by the society, in the schools to promote the philately amongst the school children. Members of the society have participated in the State, National and International level exhibitions and have won many awards.
Prashant H. Pandy, President STAMPMANIA 2009
K výstavě v Poštovním muzeu
Kresba spolu s uměleckou grafikou jsou tím, čím se zabývám svobodně ze své vnitřní potřeby. Tvoří základ mé práce. Vedle toho je to oblast činnosti, která je nějakým způsobem spjata se službou praktickému životu. Říká se tomu umění užité. Vycházím-li z toho, že v tomto smyslu jsem byl odborně vzděláván, pak je tato má „hlavní vedlejší činnost“ vlastně mým legitimním živobytím.
Touto výstavou bilancuji zhruba jedenáctileté období tvorby návrhů na české poštovní známky. Je to nádherná grafická disciplína. Miniaturní grafický lístek, kde se kresba snoubí s typografií. Měl jsem to štěstí, že jsem se mohl zabývat zajímavými tématy: Osobnostmi a jejich zájmovou sférou – J. Barrande a Barrandien, Marie Terezie a povinná školní docházka, J. K. Tyl, K. Klostermann, K. H. Mácha; architekturou – Praha Královská cesta, Tisíc let architektury na území ČR (oceněno v italském Asiagu), Dřevěné kostelíky, Vodárenské věže; nebo památkami uměleckého řemesla – Zvony, Orientální koberce.
Při přemýšlení o známce se snažím, stejně jako ve své volné tvorbě, o významovou a tomu odpovídající i formální „vícevrstevnatost“. Proto mám rád zadání, která poskytují výtvarníkovi plnou důvěru.
Nedílnou součástí je pak také spolupráce s mistry rytci, kteří známku realizují. Svůj um musí osvědčit i fachmani v tiskárně. Výstava tak umožňuje konfrontaci záměrů s výsledky.
Návrhovou činnost doplňuji ukázkami klasické grafiky, z níž drobná ex libris tvoří pojítko k předešlému oboru. Jde také svým způsobem o aplikovanou tvorbu na zakázku. Ak. mal. Jan Kavan
Narozen ve Zlíně – 1947. Vystudoval SUPŠ – 1967 a VŠ UMPRUM (prof. A. Strnadel, prof. J. Trnka a prof. Z. Sklenář) – 1972. Je členem Sdružení českých umělců grafiků Hollar. Učí na SUŠ a VOŠ V. Hollara v Praze. Těžištěm jeho umělecké tvorby je volná kresba, klasická grafika – zejména technika leptu, ilustrace a známková tvorba. Na svém kontě má i několik realizací pro architekturu. Ve spolupráci se svou ženou – sochařkou - realizovali výtvarnou podobu dvou animovaných filmů. Uspořádal přes šedesát samostatných výstav v ČR i v zahraničí, kde jsou jeho díla zastoupena i ve sbírkách. Získal několik různých ocenění.
K výstavě je vydána dopisnice s přítiskem podle návrhu Jana Kavana. V sobotu 19. 9. 2009 se uskuteční i příležitostná poštovní přepážka k výstavě, v jejímž rámci proběhne od 9 do 12 hodin také autogramiáda autora.
Česká pošta, s.p., Poštovní muzeum
Nové mlýny 2, 110 00 Praha 1
Sběratele razítek upozorňujeme na kašet, který má používat pošta Lochovice vobdobí 7. 9. - 30. 11. 2009 (viz též soubor - obrázek). Kašetem rozumíme (většinou gumové) příležitostné nebo propagační razítko, které je umisťováno na poštovní zásilky zásadně mimo poštovní známky. Může souviset s nějakou událostí, s určitou lokalitou nebo se zvláštním způsobem přepravy nebo podání zásilky. Je-li takto zásilka orazítkována před podáním subjektem mimo poštu (např. organizátoři výstav, muzea, správy památek a turistických míst, letecké společnosti), jde sice o ceněnou zajímavost, ale nejedná se o razítko poštovní. Pokud je však kašet používán zaměstnancem pošty, jedná se vždy o poštovní razítko, třebaže kašet nebyl poštou pořízen (vyroben, objednán). Ve spojení s denním razítkem tvoří v tomto případě celek příležitostného poštovního razítka. Někdejší znalec příležitostných razítek Ing. Jiří Pohorecký nazýval kašety užívané poštou razítky přídavnými. V historii známe několik případů používání kašetů poštou, např. v sedmdesátých letech to byly kašety propagující litoměřickou výstavu Zahrada Čech, které používaly různé pošty v litoměřickém okrese (gumová razítka užívaná ve fialové barvě).
Marie Chábová a Ing. Pravoslav Kukačka
Vážení přátelé filatelisté,
dovoluji si Vás upozornit že se blíží uzávěrka 79. písemné aukce Brnofila - Bláha. Aukci si můžete prohlédnout na internetové adrese http://www.brnofila.cz Pokud budete mít zájem, zašlete, prosím, Váš písemný příkaz tak, abychom ho obdrželi nejpozději do pátku 11.9.2009 do 24.00 hodin a to těmito způsoby:
a) poštou na adresu Brnofila, P.O.Box 40, 621 00 Brno 21
b) e-mail: brnofila@tiscali.cz
c) fax: +420 541 229 320
Ing. Petr Bláha - Brnofila
Dear Collectors,
Allow me to notify you that the dealine of our Brnofila-Bláha 79th mail bid sale is approaching. The auction can be viewed on http://www.brnofila.cz Please send your bids so that they reach us until Friday September 11, 2009, 24.00 CET: a) by post to Brnofila, P.O.Box 40, CZ-621 00 Brno 21, Czech Republic b) by email to brnofila@tiscali.cz c) by fax to +420 541 229 320
Ing. Petr Bláha – Brnofila
Sehr geehrte Sammlerfreunde,
ich erlaube mir Sie darauf aufmerksam zu machen, dass sich der Abschluss der 79. Fernauktion Brnofila – Bláha nähert. Die Auktion können Sie auf http://www.brnofila.cz besichtigen. Ihre Gebote senden Sie bitte so, dass sie uns bis Freitag den 11.9.2009 24.00 Uhr erreichen:
a) per Post an Brnofila, P.O.Box 40, CZ-621 00 Brno 21, Tschechien
b) per E-Mail an brnofila@tiscali.cz brnofila@tiscali.cz
c) per Fax an +420 541 229 320
Ing. Petr Bláha – Brnofila
Philasearch.com new auctions: Badisches Auctionhouse, CR andChrist-Stamps Zeppelin and Aviation
NEWS from PhilaSearch.com September 7, 2009
- Badisches Auktionshaus- CR Philatelie- Christ-Stamps Zeppelin and Aviation
last call:
- Christoph Gärtner Auction
Badisches Auktionshaus
Auction on July 18, 2009 in Wiesloch. On Philasearch.com you will find the complete stamp section of the sale.
As always many lots and collections Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com: http://www.philasearch.com/en/en/country.php3?set_anbieter=9195
8. CR - Auction
on October 9, 2009 in Berlin. Large selection of mostly covers and postal history worldwide. Strong sections picture postcards from Berlin and covers from Chian and Chinese provinces.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Christ-Stamps Specialized Auction
of Aviation and Zeppelin Poster-Stamps, labels and more.Live on Philasearch.com on November 14-15, 2009. Large selection of over 2000 lots including many rarities and hard to get stamps.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
last call:
11. Christoph Gärtner Auction
on September 8-11, 2009 in Bietigheim - Bissingen. Large international offer of over 16.000 Lots including specializedsection stamps and covers from France and french territories
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
more auctions on philasearch.com:
337/338. Heinrich Koehler Auction
on September 15-19 in Wiesbaden. International auction sale including the second part of the famous Fritz Kirchner collection, specialcatalogues British Northamerica, postal history of Mainz and Germany high inflation period 1923.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Cherrystone Auction
on September 16-24, 2009 in New York City. International auction sale including specialized sessions Russia and postal history worldwide.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
141. Pumpenmeier Auction
September 19, 2009 in Kirchlengern. Over 15.000 lots worldwide with focus on postal history worldwide.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
202. Edgar Mohrmann Auction
from September 24-26, 2009 in Hamburg. 80 years Edgar Mohrmann.
Jubilee sale with large selection of lots and collections.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
81. Francois Feldman Auction
on September 24, 2009. in Paris. Auction features outstandingstamps and postal history of France, the entire French area of philately,and countries throughout the world.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Giorgino Auktion
on September 26, 2009. International auction sale with strong section early issues from Switzerland.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
fixed price offers:
Forster Philatelie.
Special fixed price offer Switzerland from A-Z includingdetailed sections 1850-1900: Rayon, Strubel, Helvetia, Numerals,cancellations and special frankings.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Behr Philately
Private Treaty Sale with net prices.Over 5000 lots Classic stamps and covers from worldwideincluding a large selection of British Empire, Europe & Asia.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Jean-Paul Bach AG
Fixed price offer with strong sections Switzerlandand Europe. Including specialized section Swiss soldier stamps.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Winter price list world wide with many lots.Stamps, covers and cancellations.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Enjoy browsing through our offers.
Your PhilaSearch.com team
contact Philasearch: mailto:Franz.Fedra@philasearch.com
Philasearch.com GmbH
Lindenweg 163877 Sailauf
E-Mail: service@philasearch.com
Geschäftsführer: Franz Fedra, Wolfram Eisert, Walter Christ
Ust-Id: DE112156180 Steuer-Nr.: 204 135 10911 Finanzamt Aschaffenburg
Zítra vydá Horácká filatelie v Jihlavě přítisk na dopisnici a obálce s tematickou magických devítek: 9.9.2009 v 9.00 hodin.
Horácká filatelie Schleiss
Publikace "Pražské pošty - Historie a současnost" je v prodeji:
- můžete se obrátit přímo na nakladatelství Libri, Na Hutmance 7, Praha 5 - Jinonice (další kontakty jsou v souboru, který přikládáme). Objednávky vyřizuje paní Boboková poštou i osobním prodejem na uvedené adrese.
- K osobní návštěvě nakladatelství doporučujeme metro, trasu B, kdy je nutno vystoupit na stanici Jinonice, event. sdělujeme, že před budovou je parkoviště s dostatkem volného místa.
- Publikace má být v prodeji i na veletrhu Sběratel 2009 v Letňanech, kde proběhne i neformální autogramiáda.
Detaily: http://www.japhila.cz/pdf/prazske_posty.pdf
Ing. Pravoslav Kukačka,
jednatel KF 00-15 a správce klubové e-mailové schránky.
Na internetové adrese www.pac-auction.com zpřístupněna nová, již 31. aukce celin a poštovní historie. Obsahuje přes 3500 zajímavých položek z celého světa, s důrazem především na státní útvary na území Čech, Moravy a Slovenska, ale i dalších zemí.
Všechny položky jsou na webových stránkách zobrazené. Uzávěrka aukce bude 11. 10. 2009; na 6. 10. 2009 je plánována veřejná prohlídka všech nabízených losů v prodejně Filatelie HOBBY Praha, Revoluční 8. Další veřejná prohlídka bude také ve dnech 3. - 5. 9. 2009 na veletrhu Sběratel.
Těším se na Vaši návštěvu
S pozdravem
ing. Milan Černík
Aukce celin a poštovní historie, P.O.Box 243, CZ-16041 Praha 6
Tel.: 608-539-581, Fax: 222-951-796 (nové tlf. číslo) icernik@volny.cz
http: www.pac-auction.com
SEPTEMBER 2009 Philatelic Auctions
SEPTEMBER 2009 Philatelic Auctions …
[No. 320] (GERMANY)
6th ALAN BLAIR [No. 122] (USA)
[No. 11] (GERMANY)
9th - 10th DOROTHEUM GmbH & CO. KG [No. 7072] (AUSTRIA)
[No. 135] (ENGLAND)
15th - 18th EARL P. L. APFELBAUM INC. [No. 1074] (USA)
[Nos. 337-338] (GERMANY)
17th - 19th AUKTIONHAUS H.D. RAUCH GmbH [No. 151] (AUSTRIA)
18th MICHAEL ROGERS INC. [No. 116] (USA)
18th - 19th STAMP CENTER [No 264] (USA)
18th - 19th ZÜRICH ASIA [No. HK-018] (HONG KONG)
23rd BEHR - DROUOT 18 [No. 8] (FRANCE)
25th - 26th H. R. HARMER INC. [Nos. 2993-2394] (USA)
25th - 27th INVESTPHILA SA [Nos. 13-14] (SWITZERLAND)
OCT [No. 327] (GERMANY)
OCTOBER 2009 Philatelic Auctions Preview …
Refer to ‘Auctioneers Announcements’ WebPage for Details.
5th Soler y Llach Subastas Internacionales S.A. (SPAIN)
5th Warwick & Warwick [No. 641] (ENGLAND)
9th Regency-Superior Ltd.[Nos. 76A & 76B] (USA)
9th Postiljonen AB (SWEDEN)
10th Harald Rauhut Briefmarken-Auktionhaus [No. 122] (GERMANY)
13th Earl P. L. Apfelbaum Inc/ [No. 1075] (USA)
14th Spink - London [No. 9028] (ENGLAND)
14th Warwick & Warwick [No. 642 - Collectibles] (ENGLAND)
15th Status International (AUSTRALIA)
16th Deider Briefmarken-Auktionen [No. 45] (GERMANY)
18th Essex Stamp Auctions [No. 5] (ENGLAND)
18th Takahashi Stamp Company [No. 517] (JAPAN)
? Spink - Shreves Galleries [No. 116] (USA)
? Victoria Stamp Company [No. 27] (USA)
(Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire, England:
Public Auction No. 135)
A 1,631-Lot public philatelic auction catalog of Great Britain, British Commonwealth, and General Foreign Postage Stamps and Postal History, and including a large section of Collections and Mixed Lots.
The sale begins with a very eclectic selection of large lots representing Worldwide Single-Countries, Autographs, British Commonwealth Omnibus Issues, Topicals / Thematics, Cinderellas, Picture Postcards, Covers, Philatelic Literature, Coins, Banknotes (Lot 426, a Set-of-7 Theresienstadt 1Kr-100Kr Concentration Camp items), Cigarette Cards, and Ephemera.
The British Commonwealth and other General Foreign offered much
moderate value material not normally found in the philatelic auction market, but that is very difficult to locate at the local dealer or stamp bourse/fair.
The comprehensive Great Britain section (Lot Nos. 1274-1631) includes QV-QEII eras Single Stamps and Covers, Unexploded Booklets, FDCs and Commemorative Covers, Presentation Packs, PHQ Cards, Officials, Postal Fiscals and Revenues, Regional and Local Issues, and Collections and other Mixed Lots.
NOTE: The entire auction catalog can be viewed on the user-friendly Alliance Actions WebSite [see below].
TEL [44] 1279 758.854 FAX [44] 1279 758.859
E-Mail: JohnFAuld@aol.com
WebSite: http://www.allianceauctions.com
(Budapest, Hungary)
Over 7,000 lots of Postage Stamps and Postal History devoted to all phases of in-depth Hungary philatelia, as well as Silver and Gold Coins, and Other Collectibles.
The sale also includes numerous better sections of General Foreign, to incl Austria, China, and Monaco, as well as Postal History represented primarily by Hungary, but also incl Austria and Romania.
More than 1,600 Picture Postcards offer cityscapes representing Austria, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Transylvania, and other Central and Eastern European Areas.
NOTE: Auction agent attendance services will not be available for this sale.
NOTE: The complete catalog for this auction is available on the Darabanth Philatelic && Numismatic Auctions Co. Ltd. WebSite [see below].
TEL [36] 1 317-4757 FAX [36] 1 318-4035
E-Mail: Info@Darabanth.hu or Peter@Darabanth.hu
WebSite: http://www.darabanth.hu
(Hannover, Germany: Auction No. 271)
NOTE: The entire Grobe Briefmarkenauktionen GmbH auction catalogue can be downloaded from their WebSite [see below].
TEL [49] 511 32.16.00 or [49] 511 32.68.82
FAX [49] 511 32.67.35
E-Mail: GL@Hans-Grobe.de
WebSite: http://www.hans-grobe.de
(Sydney, Australia: Public Auction No. 12)
A 1,181-Lot public of Postage Stamps and Postal History featuring comprehensive Australian States and Australia, as well as other British Commonwealth and General Foreign.
The sale opens with the 263-Lot non-philatelic portion of the auction, which incls Silver and Gold Coins, Banknotes, Postcards, Militaria, a very large grouping of mostly Topical / Thematic Cigarette Cards and Trade Cards, and other Collectibles. These are followed by the philatelic Collections and other Large Lots.
Australia philatelia covers the spectrum of the country’s issues, from the Roo’s, to the modern scarcities. The Australian States has particular strength in the areas of New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria.
Other British Commonwealth and General Foreign includes many better sections, especially in the listings of France and the French Colonies (Lot Nos. 429-476, incl a 720-piece 1910s-1930s Postal Stationery collection offered intact), Germany and the German Colonies (Lot Nos. 478-520), Great Britain (Lot Nos. 522-570), Lithuania (Lot No. 613), New Zealand (Lot Nos. 649-703), and North Viet Nam (Lot Nos. 837-850)
TEL [61] 2 9299.1300 FAX [61] 2 9290.1999
E-Mail: MowbraysAustralia@BigPond.com
WebSite: http://www.stamp-auction.com.au
(Warwickshire, England: Sale No. 640)
A 1,083-Lot public auction of Great Britain, British Commonwealth, and General Foreign Postage Stamps, Postal History, Collections, Accumulations, and other Large Lots.
The sale begins with a very comprehensive selection of large lots representing Worldwide Mixed and Single-Countries, as well as Autographs, British Commonwealth Omnibus Issues, Topicals / Thematics (incl Lot No. 186, an interesting collection heralding the single currency change-over) Aerophilately, British Commonwealth Collections, and Cigarette Cards.
The British Commonwealth and other General Foreign incls much in the way of moderate value items normally not found in the philatelic auction market, and that is elusive when searching the stocks of the local stamp dealers or stamp bourse/fair participants.
The comprehensive Great Britain section (Lot Nos. 815-1083) includes Postal History, QV-Decimal Issues used and unused Singles, FDCs, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man.
NOTE: The entire Warwick and Warwick Ltd. auction catalog can be viewed on their very user-friendly WebSite [see below].
TEL [44] 1926 49.90.31 FAX [44] 1926 49.19.06
E-Mail: Info@WarwickAndWarwick.com or Bids@WarwickAndWarwick.com
WebSite (HomePage and Catalog): http://www.warwickandwarwick.com
WebSite (Catalog): http://www.auction-net.co.uk
(Bonn, Germany: Auction No. 108)
6,878 Lots emphasising Germany and the German Areas Postage Stamps and Postal History, but also including a large representation of other General Foreign.
The listings incl impressive offerings of Zeppelin Mail (144 Lots), as well as the German Offices Abroad and the German Colonies (1,400 Lots). Danzig (285 Lots) and the Saar also are well represented, as well as the WWII German Occupation issues, and the SBZ and DDR issues (630 Lots).
The auction also incls 362 Lots Silver, Platinum, and Gold Coins, most being from the German 3rd Reich, Bund, and DDR periods.
NOTE: The bilingual German:English language catalog for this auction is available on the user-friendly Reinhard Fischer Auktionen WebSite [see below].
TEL [49] 228 26.31.30 FAX [49] 228 21.33.81
E-Mail: ReinhardFischer@Briefmarkenauktion.net
WebSite: http://www.reinhardfischerauktionen.de
4th - 5th SCHWANKE & SOHN
(Hamburg, Germany: Sale No. 320)
A 4,135-Lot public auction being conducted on that Friday at 9:00 AM and on that Saturday at 10:00 AM at their Schwanke Auction Rooms, located at Kleine Reichenstraße 1, Hamburg.
The 2-day auction begins w/ Single lots from Europe and the Overseas Areas. Germany follows beginning with the German States, and continuing with the 3rd Reich era, Occupation issues, WWI and II items, and the later issues of Berlin, the DDR, the SDZ, as well as a select group of German Colonies.
This first day’s session of the sale also incls a strong section of Silver and Gold Coins (Lot Nos. 1755 1826), the Gold represented by Australia, Austria (listed as Österreich), Canada, Chile (incl 1926 and 1947 100Peso ‘Liberty Heads’), China, France, Germany (incl Baden, Hamburg, Prussia, Saxony, Württemberg), Greece (incl the 2004 ‘Torch’ mintage complete), Great Britain (incl an 1879 QV ‘Sovereign’), the Netherlands, Romania, Russia (incl 1897 7.5Rubel and 15Rubel, 1898 5Rubel, 1899 5Rubel and 10Rubel, and 1902 10Rubel ‘Nicholas I’ mintages), Spain (the 2002 Euro200 ‘Soccer’ issue), Switzerland, the United States (incl 1895, 1907, and 1932 $10; and 1924 and 1924 $20), and Venezuela (1955 60Bolivar)
The second day’s session begins with ‘All World Liquidation Lots’ and Philatelic Estates, and Country Collections w/ strong representations for Germany, European, and the Overseas countries.
NOTE: The catalog for this sale is available on the Schwanke & Sohn WebSite in the German and English language texts [see below]
TEL [49] 40 33.71.57 FAX [49] 40 33.13.30
E-Mail: Auktion@Schwanke-Sohn.com
WebSite: http://www.Schwanke-Sohn.com
(Thessalonika, Greece: Public Auction
Nos. 332-334)
Two specialized Greece and the Grecian Areas (incl the Foreign Post Offices) public auctions, each presented in a separate luxuriously-illustrated Greek:English languages bilingual catalog. The sale will be conducted beginning at 1:00 PM on that Saturday at the Esperia Palace Hotel, 22 Stadiou St., Athens.
Sale No. 332 incls 3,198 Lots of primarily Greece and the Grecian Areas, and Cyprus Postage Stamps and Postal History (including vintage Picture Postcards).
There also are Greek-related larger sections representing the British French, German, Italian, and Greek Military Mails (Lot Nos. 6955-6981); Greek Railroad and Maritime Cancellations (Lot Nos. 7167-7184); and the Austrian, French, German, Greek, and Egyptian Post Offices in the Levant (Lot Nos. 7200- 7244).
Sale No. 333 incls a very comprehensive 1,039 selection of the vintage Picture Postcards of Chios and Thessaloniki (Lot Nos. 8501-9540).
Sale No. 334 features a comprehensive grouping of primarily Greek (incl Crete, the Hellenic Republic, and the Ionian Republic) Coins (incl the Kings Otto, George I, Paul, and Constantine II eras), Banknotes, Medals, and Military Decorations.
NOTE: Auction agent attendance services will not be available for this sale.
NOTE: The entire Argirios Karamitsos International Philatelic Auctions
catalog can viewed on their WebSite [see below]
TEL [30] 2310 26.43.66 FAX [30] 2310 27.40.31
E-Mail: Karamitsos@Karamitsos.gr
WebSite: http://www.karamitsos.com
(Belgrave, Victoria, Australia:
Public Sale No. 150)
The auctioneer’s (Gary Watson’s) 30th Anniversary Auction includes 765 Lots of the Postage Stamps and Postal History of the Australian States and Australia, as well as other General Foreign, and highlighted by:
~ Australia - A major grouping of specialized “Roos’” issues
~ Australia States - incl ‘Gallery’ Sections of Tasmania and Victoria
~ Great Britain - incl a strong section of the Line-Engraved issues
Other areas of potential interest could include those of the Australia Banknotes (Lot Nos. 51-71), Germany (Lot Nos. 550-567), Indian States (Lot Nos. 638-646, incl Bahawalpur Covers), New Guinea (Lot Nos. 669-678, incl ‘G.R.I.’ and ‘N.W.P.I.’ ovpt issues), New Zealand (Lot Nos. 679-693), Papua (Lot Nos. 701-708, w/ 1904//1918 Covers), Rhodesia (Lot Nos. 711-718), the Solomon Islands (Lot 724, a 1908-1911 red ‘Small Canoe’ Master Die Proof w/ blank value tablets), South Africa (Lot Nos. 725-747, incl Modern Errors), and South West Africa (Lot Nos. 748-751, incl the 1980-1989 2¢-R2 ‘Wildlife’ issue as NH perforated Gutter Pair Proofs).
NOTE: The catalog for this auction is available on the Prestige Philately Pty. Ltd. WebSite [see below].
TEL [61] 3 FAX [61] 3
E-Mail: Info@PrestigePhilately.com
WebSite: http://www.prestigephilately.com
(Dogana, Republic of San Marino)
1,139 Lots of the Italian States, Italy, Italian Offices Abroad, and other Italian Areas, and including San Marino, and Vatican, and including virtually every other aspect of the country’s philatelia presented at a public auction. The sale will take place on that Saturday at 3:00 PM at the Sala Alberoni del Centro Tonelli, Via 3 Settembre No. 11, a Dogana nella, Republic of San Marino.
This auction should be of particular interest to the specialist in these collecting areas, as many of the lots are Postal History, with many better or otherwise desirable covers being offered, especially from the classical eras.
NOTE: The catalog for this auction is available on the Filatelia Sammarinese S.R.L. WebSite [see below].
TEL [378] 91.02.25 FAX [378] 90.97.42
E-Mail: Contact@FilSam.com
WebSite: http://www.filsam.com
(Weil am Rhein, Germany: Sale No. 18)
An auction offering more than 22,000 Vintage Picture Postcards, Postal History, and Cinderella material, the Picture Postcards being emphasized by Topical / Thematic themes, or Cityscapes.
NOTE: The complete catalog for this auction is available on the Stade-Auktionen GmbH WebSite.
TEL [49] 7621 7.84.22 FAX [49] 7621 79.31.73
E-Mail: Info@Stade-Auktionen.de
WebSite: http://www.stade-auktionen.de
(Stuttgart, Germany: Auction No. 107)
7,137 Lots of Postage Stamps and Postal History at a public auction dominated by in-depth selections of Germany and the German Areas (including very comprehensive German Colonies), but also offering a very nice selection of better material representing the spectrum of the European (and other) philately.
The auction will be conducted on that Saturday in four sessions beginning at 10:00 AM at their Württembergisches Auction Rooms, located at Relenbergstraße 78, Stuttgart.
TEL [49] 711 22.85.05 FAX [49] 711 228.50.80
E-Mail: Info@BriefmarkenAuktion.de
WebSite: http://www.briefmarkenauktion.de
(Richmond, VA: Public Auction No. 122)
929 Lots of United States and General Foreign Postage Stamps and
Postal History being sold at a public auction conducted at the Balpex 2009 Stamp Exhibition being held 4th-6th September at the Marriott-Hunt Valley Inn, 245 Shawan Road, Hunt Valley, Maryland. The hotel is located at Highway I-83 at Shawan Road (Exit 20).
The United States is represented by almost 200 Lots. Besides the regular issues, there is a selection of Revenues, and a Sc 505 VF NH Pair in a full sheet (Lot No. 900).
Canada and the Canadian Provinces make up the second most populous area with 90 lots, incl Sc 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, and an especially high quality 65. The Unused include Sc 4, 40, 41-47 and 95 NH.
The British Areas in total offers over 250 lots, and the Japan listings incl almost all of the better Souvenir Sheets, with the early ‘National Park’ issues incl their original folders.
TEL (804) 266-3071 or (800) 689-5602
FAX (804) 266-3071
E-Mail: AlanBlair@Verizon.net
WebSite: http://www.alanblairstamps.com
GmbH & CO. KG
(Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany: Auction No. 11)
Over 15,966-Lot mega-auction of Worldwide Covers and other Postal History covering virtually every stamp-issuing entity, to be sold beginning at 9:00 AM daily on the auction dates at the Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner offices auction venue located at Steinbeisstraße 6+8, Bietigheim-Bissingen.
The sale is presented in four separate catalogues:
~ 8 September, Catalog 1, Lot Nos. 1-4400 - Worldwide Postage Stamps and Postal History, and excluding Germany and the German Areas, representing every philatelic possible aspect of the balance of the stamp-issuing entities.
~ 9 September, ‘France and French Territories’ Catalog, Lot Nos. 4500-7708; Catalog 3, Lot Nos. 10200-12245 - a very powerful presentation of very comprehensive and in-depth Postage Stamps and Postal History, the sale providing items seldom seen in the general philatelic auction market.
~ 10 September (Catalog 2), Lot Nos. 7800-10150 - A wide ranging offering of 2,350 Lots of the German States, Germany, the German Offices Abroad, and the German Colonies.
~ 11 September (Catalog 3), Lot Nos. 12426-16159 - A 3,733-Lot offering of Worldwide General and Country Collections, Accumulations, Philatelic Estates, Box Lots, Dealer’s Stocks, and other Large Lots.
NOTE: The entire Auktionhaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG auction catalogue can be viewed on their user-friendly German:English bilingual WebSite [see below].
TEL [49] 7142 789.400 FAX [49] 7142 789.410
E-Mail: Info@Auktionen-Gaertner.de
WebSite: http://www.auktionen-gaertner.de
(Melbourne, Australia: Sale Nos. 354)
A 507-Lot public auction of primarily Australia and the Australian Areas Postage Stamps and Postal History.
Besides the comprehensive Australia postage stamps and standard postal history offerings, the sale also is highlighted by other sections for alternate interests, to incl a nice selection of Australia Coins and Banknotes (Lot Nos. 1001-1087), Australia Aerophilately (Lot Nos. 1165-1232, incl important ‘Kingsford Smith’ philatelia), German Colonies (Lot Nos. 1306-1330), Great Britain (Lot Nos. 1336-1365), Israel (Lot Nos. 1376-1388, incl the Lodz ‘Ghetto’ issues), New Zealand (Lot Nos. 1404-1430), Papua Aerophilately (Lot Nos. 1423-1430), and Serbia (Lot Nos. 1445-1462, strong in the better 1941-1943 issues).
NOTE: The complete catalog for this auction is available on the Charles Leski Auctions Pty. Ltd. WebSite [see below].
TEL [61] 3 9864.9999 FAX [61] 3 9822.2788
E-Mail: Contact@Leski.com.au
WebSite: http://www.leski.com.au
(Prague, Czech Republic)
1,327 Lots of comprehensive Czechoslovakia and its Associated Areas at public auction, its contents ranging specialized ‘Hradcany Castle’ issues through to the modern better items, and including Proofs, WWII Occupation Issues, and scarce Bohemia and Moravia / Böhmen u. Mähren. The sale will be conducted on that Saturday at 12:00 Noon in the Sály Artemis [Artemis Room] of the Hotel Olympik, u. Sluncové 14, Prague.
The auctions contains all the philatelia associated with Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic regions, including many specialized items not readily available elsewhere. Definitely a "must have" catalog for the collector or dealer of this popular philatelic area.
NOTE: Auction agent attendance services will not be available for this sale.
NOTE: The entire Aukce Majer auction catalogue can be viewed on their WebSite [see below].
TEL [42] 281 970.425 (Czech Republic)
CELL PHONE (MOBILE) [42] 776 562.233 (Czech Republic)
FAX [42] 2 232-0516 (Czech Republic) or (301) 530-7489 (USA)
E-Mail: J.Majer@CzechStamp.com (Czech Republic) or
SibPost@ComCast.net (USA)
WebSite: http://www.czechstamp.com
(Derby, England: Sale Nos. 722-723)
A 1,358-Lot public auction highlighted by the very comprehensive Eddie Lipman Collections of the Classic Stamps of the World, and the excellent C. Angus Parker Collection of Utah Postal History.
NOTE: The complete catalog for this auction is available on the Cavendish Philatelic Auctions Ltd. WebSite [see below].
TEL [44] 1332 250.970 FAX [44] 1332 294.440
E-Mail: Stamps@CavendishPhilAuc.demon.co.uk
WebSite: http://www.cavendish-auctions.com
9th - 10th DOROTHEUM GmbH & CO. KG
(Vienna, Austria: Auction No. 7072)
1,720 Lots at a public auction being strong in Austria and the Austrian Areas Postage Stamps and Postal History. The sale will be conducted at 10:00 AM (1st Sessions) and 2:00 PM (2nd Sessions) that Wednesday and Thursday at the prestigious and historic Palais Dorotheum auction galleries, located at Dorotheergaße 17, Vienna.
The General Foreign includes larger sections of Croatia (Lot Nos. 228-235), Czechoslovakia (Lot Nos. 345-355), France (Lot Nos. 165-180), Germany (Lot Nos. 1-138), Great Britain (Lot Nos. 183-194), Hungary (Lot Nos. 361-377), Jugoslavia (Lot Nos. 211-227), and Switzerland (Lot Nos. 295-333).
NOTE: The entire Dorotheum GmbH. auction catalog can be viewed on the auctioneer's WebSite [see below].
TEL [43] 1 515 60-299 or [43] 515 60-309 (Gerhard Babor)
FAX [43] 1 515 60-508
E-Mail: Stamps@Dorotheum.at
WebSite: http://www.dorotheum.com
(Budapest, Hungary: Sale No. 368)
A very large public auction dominated by the Hungary and Hungarian Philatelic Areas, but including much other Worldwide
NOTE: Auction agent attendance services will not be available for this sale.
NOTE: The entire Profila Auctions sale catalog can be viewed on their WebSite [see below].
TEL [36] 1 485-5060 FAX [36] 1 485-5069
E-Mail: Info@Profila.hu
WebSite: http://www.profila.hu
(Ely, Cambridgeshire, England: Auction No. 315)
A 2,421-Lot public auction of moderate-higher value Great Britain, the British Commonwealth, and other General Foreign Postage Stamps, Postal History, Collections, Accumulations, and other Large Lots, the auction being conducted on the Saturday beginning at 1:00 PM at the Hiams Social Club, Putney Hill Road, Prickwillow (slightly NW of Ely).
The sale commences with a large section (131 Lots) of General Foreign Mixed Lots and Collections, including several interesting cover lots, Topical/Thematic groupings, Commonwealth Omnibus Issues, and even Cigarette Trading Cards.
Larger sections of Great Britain and the British Commonwealth areas include comprehensive Australia, the Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda (incl. used KGI Key Plate Bocks-of-4), Burma, Canada, Cayman Islands, Cyprus, Falkland Islands, Fiji, and other.
The General Foreign incls better offerings of Belgium, France and the French Colonies, Germany and all of the German Areas, and more.
A diligent study of the listings will prove to benefit the collection of both the general and specialist philatelist, as many moderately valued, yet elusive, items are heavily sprinkled throughout the listings.
NOTE: The complete catalog for this auction is available on Cambridgeshire Philatelic Auctions WebSite [see below].
TEL [44] 1353 66.39.19 FAX [44] 1353 66.41.27
E-Mail: BobCarr@CPA-Ely.co.uk
WebSite: http://www.cpa-ely.co.uk
(London, Ontario, Canada: Sale No. 152)
661 Lots of Canada and the Canadian Provinces, British Commonwealth, and General Foreign, Postage Stamps, Postal History, Collections, Accumulations, and other Large Lots offered at public auction on that Sunday at 1:00 PM at the Bristol Room of the Four Points Sheraton Hotel, 1150 Wellington Road South, London, Ontario.
Highlights of the sale include:
~ An attractive selection of the European Areas, w/ better 20th Century Portugal and Switzerland
~ A selection of early United States, incl Proofs
~ British Commonwealth, w/ nice Australia
~ Canada, w/ Plate No. Blocks, Booklets and Booklet Panes, Postal History, and better single stamps,
NOTE: Auction agent attendance services will not be available for this sale.
NOTE: The entire John Sheffield Philatelists Ltd. catalogue can be viewed on their WebSite [see below].
TEL (519) 681-3420 or Toll-free in North America (877) 332-3398
FAX (519) 668-6872
E-Mail: John@JohnSheffield.com
WebSite: http://www.johnsheffield.com
15th - 18th EARL P. L. APFELBAUM INC.
(Jenkintown [Philadelphia], PA: Sale No. 1074)
Several thousand Lots of United States and General Foreign Postage Stamps and Postal History, as well as intact Collections, Accumulations, and other Large Lots.
The United States section is very comprehensive, and offers items ranging from the Classic through to the Modern eras, as well as the Back-of-the-Book Airmails, Postage Dues, Officials, Parcel Posts, Revenues. Also offered in this category are the Confederate States, the Canal Zone, the Danish West Indies, Guam, Hawaii, the U.S. Administration of the Philippines, the Ryukyu Islands, and the United Nations.
The British Commonwealth and other General Foreign also are well represented, with many better items being included within the in-depth listings.
NOTE: The entire Earl P. L. Apfelbaum Inc. catalog can be viewed on their WebSite [see below].
TEL (267) 763-0216 or (800) 523-4648
FAX (267) 763-0227
E-Mail: Bids@ApfelbaumInc.com or Missy_A@ApfelbaumInc.com
WebSite: http://www.apfelbauminc.com
(Wiesbaden, Germany: Auction Nos. 337-338)
A very comprehensive auction of the Worldwide Postage Stamps, Postal History, and Collections of Germany, the German Areas, and General
Worldwide, and highlighted by the specialized and very comprehensive Fritz Kirchner Collection of the German States, Germany, the German Offices Abroad, and the German Colonies.
Several specialized collected will be featured in individual catalogs, to include:
~ The ‘Astrul’ Collection of British North America
~ The Dipl. Ing. Horst Jaster 1558-1572 ‘Mainze’ Postal History Collection
~ The Dipl. Ing. Horst Jaster German Empire 1923 ‘Hyperinflationary Period’ Postal History Collection
~ The Fritz Kirchner Collection of 1849-1900 German States, Germany, German Offices Abroad, and German Colonies
The general sales catalog will include strong German States, the Gold Medal Lars Peter Svendsen Collection of Heligoland and a specialized Schleswig-Holstein Collection, a specialized Germany 1872 ‘Shield’ Issues Collection, a specialized Germany 1889-1900 ‘Eagle’ Issues Collection, excellent Danzig, France, and comprehensive Southeastern Areas Europe selection (incl Albania, Bulgaria, Epirus, Greece, and Hungary)
NOTE: The catalog for this sale is available from the auctioneer for Euro 26 to cover the airmail shipment fee; please forward an E-Mail to the auctioneer for details.
NOTE: The entire Heinrich Köhler Deutschlands- Auktionhaus catalog can be viewed on their WebSite in the German and English language texts [see below].
TEL [49] 611 3.93.81 FAX [49] 611 3.93.84
E-Mail: Auction@Heinrich-Koehler.de
WebSite: http://www.heinrich-koehler.de
(Allschwil, Switzerland)
A 15,585-Lot mega-sale offering primarily moderate value comprehensive Germany and Austria (listed as Österreich), other Western Europe and their Colonies, and other Worldwide, but with many other upscale items distributed throughout the listings.
The mix of non-European General Foreign is very much varied and, in this sale, includes items of special interest from Batum (Lot Nos. 14812-14815), Bolivia (Lot Nos. 14818-14819, incl an 1872 2-color Cobija ==> Valparaiso, Chile, Cover), China (Lot Nos. 14847-14887), Japan (Lot Nos. 14988-15053), and the United States (Lot Nos. 15215-15265
NOTE: Auction agent attendance services will not be available for this sale.
NOTE: The entire Mercurius AG auction catalog can be downloaded from their user-friendly German:English bilingual WebSite [see below]
TEL [41] 61 482-1203 FAX [41] 61 482-1205
E-Mail: Service@Mercurius-AG.com
WebSite: http://www.mercurius-ag.com
(New York, NY: Auction No. 0909-A)
902 Lots representing a very comprehensive offering of United States and Worldwide Postage Stamps, Postal History, Proofs, Essays and other rare and esoteric related philatelia.
The United States section (Lot Nos. 1-284) incls a strong range of better Classics, numerous better early Plate No. Blocks, Airposts, Revenues, and a nice selection of Proofs and Essays.
The General Foreign sections incl a comprehensive offering of Classics and Semi-Modern issues, both on and off cover, with impressive selections from Argentina, Colombia, France and the French Colonies, Germany, Great Britain and the British Commonwealth, Italy, Japan, Nicaragua, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Venezuela, and others. Zeppelin Mails are well represented, and there is a strong section of Collections (w/ many offered intact) and other Large Lots valued from $200-$25,000.
Individual highlights in this major sale incl the following:
Lot No. 001: USA - Sc 9X1d 5¢ Postmaster Provisional VF Used
Lot No. 027: USA - Sc 67a 5¢ brown-yellow OG VF w/ 2004 PSE Certificate
Lot No. 051: USA - Sc 119b 1869 type II 15¢ Inverted Center Used
Lot No. 110: USA - Sc 264P-278P 1¢-$5 Imperf Horizontal Pair Proofs
Lot No. 181: USA - Sc 961TC1 1948 3¢ ‘Canada Friendship’ Trial Color Proof
Lot No. 182: USA - Sc 987TC1 1950 3¢ ‘American Bankers’ Trial Color Proof
Lot No. 183: USA - Sc 1006TC1 1952 3¢ ‘B&O Railroad’ Trial Color Proof
Lot No. 184: USA - Sc 1612c 1979 $1 ‘CIA Invert’ NH VF
Lot No. 204: USA - Sc C15 1930 $2.60 Zeppelin Plate No. Block-of-6 NH EF
Lot No. 206: USA - Sc C45P1 1949 6¢ ‘Wright Brothers’ Large Die Proof
Lot No. 229: USA - Offices in China - Sc K16 $2/$1 Plate No. Block-of-6
Lot No. 242: USA - Sc O71 1873 $20 State Department Official Unused
Lot No. 257: USA - Sc Q5P1 1911 ‘Mail Train’ Large Die Proof
Lot No. 258: - Sc Q5-E2 1911 ‘Mail Train’ Model Essay
Lot No. 257: Argentina - 1910 ‘Centenary’ - 6 different Inverted Centers
Lot No. 310: Austria - 1936 ‘Dolfuss’ as a red-lilac perfed Proof Sheetlet
Lot No. 313: - Mi I-XII Set-of-13 Occupation of Romania issue NH VF
Lot No. 317: Bolivia - Sc 4 on 1868 Corocoro ==> Cochabamba Cover
Lot No. 321: - Sc 102a red overprint ‘Cobija Provisional’ Used
Lot No. 322: - Sc 102 variety black overprint ‘Cobija Provisional’ Used
Lot No. 323: - Sc C6 variety 2B black and brown Inverted Center
Lot No. 332: Brazil - Sc 3a 1843 90R Intermediate Impression Horiz Pair
Lot No. 345: China - SG 159 1905 Special Delivery Strip-of-4 Unused
Lot No. 350: China - PRC - Sc 628 1962 ‘Mei Lan-fang’ SS Unused
Lot No. 387: Colombia - Y&T PA1a 1919 2¢ serif variety Airmail on FFC
Lot No. 390: - Sc C2 on Barranquilla ==> Cartagena Flight Cover
Lot No. 390: - Sc C7 1920 ‘Biplane Fuselage and Tail’ Unused
Lot No. 394: - Sc C2 on Barranquilla ==> Cartagena Flight Cover
Lot No. 425: France - Sc 11 Block-of-4 on 1854 Cover == Paris
Lot No. 441: - Sc 37 1863-1870 1Fr black Imperforate ‘Empire’ Essay
Lot No. 471: - 13 November 1870 ‘Par Ballon Monté’ ==> Russia
Lot No. 472: - 19 October 1870 ‘Par Ballon Monté’ ==> Russia
Lot No. 478: French Colonies - Sc 18 1876 4¢ gray ‘Cérès’ OG VF Unused
Lot No. 481: - Chad - 1933 4th SAF Zeppelin Flight Cover ==> Argentina
Lot No. 483: - Sudan - 1933 8th SAF Zeppelin Flight Cover ==> Brazil
Lot No. 486: - Latakia - 1933 Rome Zeppelin Flight Cover ==> Brazil
Lot No. 488: - Madagascar - 1896 15¢/25¢ ‘Majunga’ Used (Y&T 1)
Lot No. 502: German States - Saxony - Mi 1b on 1861 Dresden Wrapper
Lot No. 549: Great Britain - 1885 £5 orange QV w/ ‘SPECIMEN’ overprint
Lot No. 562: - Canada - Sc 3P 12¢ black Block-of-4 ‘SPECIMEN’ Plate Proof
Lot No. 563: - - - Sc 3TC 12¢ vermilion Composite Die Proof
Lot No. 569: - Cyprus - 1933 4th SAF Zeppelin Flight Cover ==> Argentina
Lot No. 578: - India - Sc A2 1852 1/2A blue ‘Scinde Dawk’ Used w/ ‘96’ oblit
Lot No. 595: - Sierra Leone - Sc 61 1925 2-1/2 on 2/- lilac Unused LH
Lot No. 596: - Uganda - SG 23 Plate variety 1895 40¢ ‘U GG’ for ‘UG’
Lot No. 599: - - - SG 51 Plate Variety ‘50¢’ w/ 2nd Impression of ‘100¢’
Lot No. 603: Greece - Sc 331b 5D yellow and black Inverted Center Used
Lot No. 608: Honduras - Sc C3 1925 5¢ light blue w/ red ovpt OG Unused
Lot No. 617: Iran - Sc 927a 10R carmine & blue-green Inverted Center
Lot No. 664: México - Sc C74 1935 ‘Amelia Earhart’ NH VF
Lot No. 672: Nicaragua - Sc 5 + 12 on Panamá Route ==> London Cover
Lot No. 707: Portuguese Colonies - Azores - Sc 2 10R yellow VF Used
Lot No. 753 : Switzerland - Zürich - Sc 1L1 1843 4R black VF Used
Lot No. 754 : - - Sc 1L3 1846 4R black OG VF Unused
Lot No. 755 : - - Sc 1L3 1846 4R black VF Used on Large Piece
Lot No. 757 : - Wintherthur - Sc 1L5 on 1851 Folded Letter
Lot No. 758 : - - - - Sc 1L5 Vertical Pair on 1850 Folded Letter
Lot No. 759 : - Geneva - Sc 2L1 10¢ ‘Double Geneva’ Used
Lot No. 760 : - - - - Sc 2L1 10¢ ‘Double Geneva’ Cut Wrong Way Used
Lot No. 761 : - - - - Sc 2L1a 10¢ black / green paper on Cover
Lot No. 762 : - - - - Sc 2L2 10¢ black / green paper on Cover
Lot No. 763 : - - - - Sc 2L3e 10¢ black / dark green paper on Cover
Lot No. 765 : - Basel - Sc 3Li 1845 ‘Basel Dove’ part OG VF Unused
Lot No. 766 : - - - Sc 3Li 1845 ‘Basel Dove’ VF Used
Lot No. 767 : - - - Sc 3Li 1845 ‘Basel Dove’ VF Used on small piece
Lot No. 778: Syria - 1933 1st SAF Zeppelin Flight Cover ==> Brazil
Lot No. 799: Uruguay - Sc 1 1856 60¢ ‘Diligencia’ on Cover ==> Rocha
Lot No. 800: - Sc 3B 1856 60¢ ‘Diligencia’ on Cover ==> Rocha
Lot No. 803: Vatican - 1933 Unissued 1.30L/1.25L dark blue Block-of-4
NOTE: The entire Cherrystone Philatelic Auctions catalog can be viewed on their WebSite [see below]. Most of the single lots are accompanied by quality color scans, and Opening Prices are updated daily.
TEL (212) 977-7734 FAX (212) 977-8652
E-Mail: Info@CherrystoneAuctions.com
WebSite: http://www.cherrystoneauctions.com
(Ottobrun/München, Germany: Auction No. 26)
A 8,796-Lot auction strong in Germany and the German Areas Postage Stamps and Postal History, but the offerings allow for many other bidding opportunities for better non-German areas.
NOTE: The entire Auktionhaus Hettinger auction catalog can viewed on their German:English bilingual language WebSite [see below]
TEL [49] 89 FAX [49] 89
E-Mail: Info@Hettinger-Auktionen.de
WebSite: http://www.hettinger-auktionen.de
(Crowhurst, Lingfield, Surrey, England:
Sale No. 96)
NOTE: The entire auction catalog can be viewed on the user-friendly Apex Philatelic Ltd. WebSite [see below].
TEL [44] 1342 833.413 Or [44] 20 8541.0200
FAX [44] 1342 833.892 Or [44] 20 8541.0288
E-Mail: Admin@ApexStamps.com
WebSite: http://www.apexstamps.com
(Vienna, Austria: Auction No. 151)
1,819 Lots of primarily specialized Austria and the Austrian Areas, and also including better other European philatelia.
NOTE: The complete catalog for this auction is available on the Auktionhaus H. H. Rauch GmbH WebSite in the German and English language texts [see below].
TEL [43] 1 533.33.12 FAX [43] 1 535.61.71
E-Mail: Rauch@HDRauch.com or Austro@HDRauch.com
WebSite: http://www.hdrauch.com
18th ÖPHILA WIEN: PUSCHMANN & SCHWARZ OHG (Vienna, Austria: Auction No. 64)
2,335 lots of primarily comprehensive Austria and the Austrian Offices Abroad (w/ very nice in-depth selections representing the Austrian P.O. in the Levant, Lombardy-Venetia, and Austrian Ship Post, Military Mails, and Aerophilately), and Germany and the German Areas, and also including a very large selection of other Europe and Overseas Areas. The auction will be conducted on that Friday beginning at 9:00 AM at the Hotel Bristol, located at Kärntnerring 1, Vienna.
The General Foreign is highlighted by better sections of Croatia (listed as Kroatien), Czechoslovakia (listed as Tschechoswakei), France, the Netherlands, Hungary (listed as Ungarn), and Poland (incl Lot No. 2214, an 1807 Warsaw-origin Napoleonic ’No. 29 / GRAND ARMÉE’ FL).
NOTE: The entire Öphila Puschmann & Schwarz OHG auction catalog can be easily downloaded from their WebSite [see below].
TEL [43] 1 512-6372 FAX [43] 1 512-6372.10
E-Mail: Mail@Oephila.at
WebSite: http://www.oephila.at
(Winter Park [Orlando], FL: Auction No. 116)
A 1,030-Lot public auction of United States and General Foreign Postage Stamps and Postal History, highlighted by strong sections of Belgium (Lot Nos. 150-175), in-depth for all the political phases of China (Lot Nos. 205-548), the Falkland Islands (Lot Nos. 563-589), France (Lot Nos. 570-619, incl a nice grouping of Unexploded Booklets), and Germany and the German Areas (Lot Nos. 624-747)
Individual highlights in this major sale incl the following:
Lot No. 056: USA - Sc C3 24¢ ‘Jenny’ Plate No. Block-of-12 NH F-VF
Lot No. 089: - - Sc C1, earliest recorded usage other than a FDC Cover
Lot No. 136: Austria - Mi.1 1908 1.50Kr Type I Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 137: - - Mi.1a 1908 1.50Kr Type II Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 148: Barbados - SG SB7 1938 2/- KGVI Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 183: Brazil - RHM CD4 6$900 Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 148: Barbados - SG SB7 1938 2/- KGVI Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 187: Cambodia - 1975 unissued ‘Musical Instrument’ set Sheets
Lot No. 213: China - Chan 224M-230M 1897 ‘Mollendorf’ Presentation set
Lot No. 247: - - 1888 Shanghai:Japan mixed franking ‘IJPA’ Cover ==> USA
Lot No. 317: - - Sc J19-J24 1912 ‘Provisional Neutrality’ Dues ovpts Unused
Lot No. 455: - - Sc 194v-197v 1953 re-called ‘Soviet’ issue VF NH Unused
Lot No. 474: - - Sc 620i-627i ‘Mei Lan Fang’ Imperforate set VF NH Unused
Lot No. 475: - - Sc 620i-627i ‘Mei Lan Fang’ Imperforate set VF NH Unused
Lot No. 476: - - Sc 628 ‘Mei Lan Fang’ Souvenir Sheet EF NH Unused
Lot No. 477: - - Sc 628 ‘Mei Lan Fang’ Souvenir Sheet NH Unused
Lot No. 478: - - Sc 628 ‘Mei Lan Fang’ Souvenir Sheet VF-XF NH Unused
Lot No. 552: Czechoslovakia - Sc 200a-201a 1934 ‘National Anthem’ SSs
Lot No. 576: France - Sc 226P 1925 ‘Paris Philatelic Exhibition’ SS Proof
Lot No. 591: - - Maury P21 1911 ‘Aignon’ Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 594: - - Maury P23 1918 3Fr Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 610: - - Maury 1 1914 ‘Red Cross’ Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 636: Germany - Mi MH 26 1932 2Mk Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 642: - - Mi MH 18.2 1925 2Mk Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 643: - - Mi MH 18.1 1925 2Mk Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 644: - - Mi MH 23.1 1926 2Mk Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 651: - - Mi MH 42.2 1935 2Mk ‘Olympic Games’ Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 652: - - Mi MH 42.2 1935 2Mk ‘Olympic Games’ Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 666: - - 1932 Matters & Griffin ‘Round-the-World’ Flight Cover
Lot No. 669: - - Do-X - 1930 ‘European Demonstration’ Flight Cover
Lot No. 670: - - Do-X - 1930 Switzerland ‘European Demonstration’ Cvr-I
Lot No. 671: - - Do-X - 1930 Switzerland ‘European Demonstration’ Cvr-II
Lot No. 672: - - Do-X - 1930 Netherlands ‘European Demonstration’ Cvr-I
Lot No. 673: - - Do-X - 1930 Netherlands ‘European Demonstration’ Cvr-II
Lot No. 674: - - Do-X - 1931 France ‘European Demonstration’ Flight Cover
Lot No. 675: - - Do-X - 1931 Saar-Portugal-Colombia ‘Europe-Pan Am’ Flight
Lot No. 688: - - Do-X - 1931 Danzig ‘Europe-Pan American’ Flight Cover
Lot No. 710: - - Do-X - 1932 Newfoundland ‘America-Europe’ Flight Cover
Lot No. 721: - - Berlin - Mi MH 2 1952 2Mk Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 722: - - - Mi MH 2 1952 2Mk Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 753: Great Britain - Sc 75 £1 brown-lilac QV F-VF Used
Lot No. 754: - - Sc 90a 5/- rose QV F-VF Used
Lot No. 776: - - Sc O9 10/- ultramarine QV ‘I.R. / Official’ VF Used
Lot No. 801: Guadeloupe - Cérès 6 1922 5F5 ‘Souffiere Volcano’ Booklet
Lot No. 829: India - Barwani - SG SB 8 1947 1R Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 830: - - SG SB.9 1947 2R Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 851: Italy - 1876 Genoa ==> Vera Cruz, México, Folded Letter
Lot No. 852: Jamaica - 1915 ‘Red Cross’ Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 852: - - SG SB.8 1935 ‘Silver Jubilee’ Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 929: Netherlands - NVPH P.210 1902 Florin3.01 Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 930: - - NVPH P.215 1902 Florin1.78 Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 932: - - NVPH P.210 1902 Florin3.01 Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 951: Russia - RESC B6 1913 78Kop Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 961: Saar - Mi.1 1924 4Fr Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 966: Sénégal - Cérès 2 1925 2Fr Unexploded Booklet
Lot No. 978: Spain - Sc CB18a 1950 25P+10¢ ‘Franco Visit’ F-VF NH Unused
Lot No. 997: Tanganyika - SG SB4 1927 3/- Unexploded Booklet
NOTE: The complete catalog for this auction is available on the Michael Rogers Inc. WebSite via an Adobe Acrobat PDF File (see below):
TEL (407) 644-2290 or (800) 843-3751
FAX (407) 645-4434
E-Mail: Bids@MichaelRogersInc.com
WebSite: http://www.michaelrogersinc.com
(Nijverdal, Netherlands: Public Auction No. 163)
8,613 Lots of primarily Netherlands and the Dutch Colonies Postage Stamps and Postal History, but also including other Western Europe and other Worldwide.
NOTE: The complete catalog for this auction is available on the Postzegelveiling Leopardi WebSite [see below].
TEL [31] 548 65.58.55 FAX [31] 548 65.50.88
E-Mail: info@Leopardi.nl
WebSite: http://leopardi.nl
18th - 19th STAMP CENTER
(Wilmington, DE: Auction No 264)
1,609 Lots of United States and General Foreign Postage Stamps, Postal History, and Collections, Accumulations and other Large Lots. The auction also includes comprehensive sections of Deltiology, USPS Products, Numismatics (incl Silver Dollars and Gold Coins, and Mint and Proof sets) Sports Cards, and Philatelic References and Supplies.
As is usual for this auctioneer, offered are large lots of United States Covers, to incl pre-Adhesives, 19th Century Covers, Airmail and Zeppelin Fights, the Civil War, Naval Covers, Space Covers, Postal Stationery, and United States FDCs (w/ ‘Collins’ Handpainteds).
The General Foreign listings reflect strengths in the areas of Australia, Austria, Canada, France and the French Colonies, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and the Italian Areas, Portugal and the Portuguese Colonies, Russia, Switzerland, and Viet Nam.
NOTE: The entire Stamp Center (Dutch Country) auction catalog can be viewed on their WebSite [see below].
TEL (302) 478-8740 FAX (302) 478-8779
E-Mail: Auctions@TheStampCenter.com
WebSite: http://www.TheStampCenter.com
18th - 19th ZÜRICH ASIA
(Hong Kong: Auction No. HK-018)
A 1,547-Lot public auction strong in both the Postage Stamps and Postal History of China and Hong Kong, as well as Asian and Other Countries.
The China portion of the sale (Lot Nos. 1-1355) is highlighted by a small $1 ‘Red Revenue’ Surcharge, an exceptional collection of the 1913-1923 ‘Junk’ issues (which incls numerous previously unrecorded Varieties and Proofs), as well as a specialized ‘Liberated Areas’, and local ‘Silver Yuan’ and Revenues collections (incl many currently uncatalogued scarce-to-rare items, which were purchased locally over 50 years ago, and have never been seen on the philatelic market since that time).
Other larger offerings of Asia areas of merit will be found in the listings of Korea (Lot Nos. 1481-1489), Japan (Lot Nos. 1491-1502), Mongolia (Lot Nos. 1477-1480), Thailand (Lot Nos. 1505-1527), and Tibet (Lot Nos. 1528-1547).
TEL [852] 2507.5770 FAX [852] 5770
E-Mail: Info@ZurichAsia.com or LouisMangin@HotMail.com or
WebSite: http://www.BennettStamps.com
(Kirchlengern, Germany: Auction No. 141)
15,505 Lots primarily offering comprehensive German States, Germany, German Offices Abroad, German Occupations, and German Colonies, and also including much better General Foreign. The auction will be conducted on that Saturday beginning at 8:00 AM at the Altentagesstätte Kirchlengern, located at Lübecker Straße 67, Kirchlengern.
The sale also larger sections of Brazil (Lot Nos. 198-218), Ceylon (Lot Nos. 224-246), Chile (Lot Nos. 247-274), Cuba - Spanish Administration (Lot Nos. 738-757), Ecuador (Lot Nos. 321-343), Egypt (Lot Nos. 1-32), Haiti (Lot Nos. 410-427), Hawai'i (Lot Nos. 426-435), Hong Kong (Lot Nos. 439-478), the Indian States and India (Lot Nos. 479-541).
The sale continues with Iran (Lot Nos. 559-581), México (Lot Nos. 843-872), New South Wales (Lot Nos. 74-98), Palestine (Lot Nos. 1023-1040), South Africa and South West Africa (Lot Nos. 1162-1203), Thailand (Lot Nos. 1230-1245), Tonga (Lot Nos. 1252-1269), and Victoria (Lot Nos. 110-131)
NOTE: The entire Pumpenmeier GmbH Auction catalog can be viewed on their WebSite [see below].
TEL [49] 5223 87.82.51 FAX [49] 5223 87.82.52
E-Mail: Auktion@Pumpenmeier.de
WebSite: http://www.pumpenmeier.de
(Houston, TX: Public Auction No. 70)
560 Lots of an all-United States public auction being conducted at The Greater Houston Stamp Show being held 18th-20th September, in Meeting Rooms C & D at the Humble Civic Center, 8233 Clayton Parkway, Humble [Houston], Texas.
The sale features a wide range of material ranging from the Classic through to the modern, and including an excellent selection of Duck Stamps (with Federal and State Issues, Artist Signed & Remarqued Stamps, Proofs, Governor’s Editions, Federal and State Duck Prints, Fishing and Society Stamps, and more specialized items from this collecting area).
NOTE: The complete catalog for this auction is available on the Sam Houston Philatelics WebSite [see below].
TEL (281) 493-6386 or (800) 231-5926
FAX (281) 496-1455
E-Mail: SHDuck@aol.com
WebSite: http://www.SHPAuctions.com
(Nürnberg, Germany: Sale No. 130)
NOTE: The catalog for this sale is available on the Schulz-Briefmarkenauktionen WebSite in the German and English language texts [see below]
TEL [49] 40 33.71.57 FAX [49] 40 33.13.30
E-Mail: BriefmarkenSchulz@T-OnLine.de
WebSite: http://www.schulz-auktionen.de
(Tokyo, Japan: Public Auction No. 516)
Over 400 Lots in an all-Japan public auction offered in a Japanese-language catalog; although in the Japanese-language, the lot listings are profusely illustrated, and are simple to decipher.
Highlights of the sale include very strong sections of classic-era postage stamps and postal history, and includes material seldom encountered in Australian, North American, and European public philatelic auctions.
Although not listed on their WebSite (see below) at this time, plans to include auction lot listing on the Internet are planned for the near future.
NOTE: Auction agent attendance services will not be available for this sale.
TEL: [81] 3 573-5370 FAX: [81] 3 3572-0661
E-Mail: TakahashiStamp@Nifty.com or Kenjiro6985@Nifty.com
WebSite: http://www.takahashistamp.com
(Wembley, Australia: Sale 22)
2,071 lots of comprehensive Australian States and in-depth Australia Postage Stamps and Postal History, as well as a strong section of British Commonwealth.
The Australian States and Australia predominate (incl the Australian Antarctic Territory, Christmas Island, the Cocos [Keeling] Islands, Norfolk Island, and others), and their coverage in this sale are in-depth, to include better postal history items.
The British Commonwealth is highlighted by better selections of Bermuda,
the Falkland Islands, New Zealand, Pitcairn Island (incl a 1928 Registered Cover ==> England, and an 1937 Registered Cover ==> New Zealand), and attractive Tristan da Cunha ‘PAQUEBOT’ mails.
NOTE: Auction agent attendance services will not be available for this sale.
NOTE: The complete catalog for this auction is available on the Robert A. Lee Auctions WebSite [see below].
TEL [61] 8 9387.5327 FAX [61] 8 9387.1646
E-Mail: PostBid@RobinLinke.com.au
WebSite: http://www.robinlinke.com.au
NOTE: Auction agent attendance services will not be available for this sale.
NOTE: The complete catalog for this auction is available on the Robert A. Lee Auctions WebSite [see below].
TEL [61] 8 9387.5327 FAX [61] 8 9387.1646
E-Mail: PostBid@RobinLinke.com.au
WebSite: http://www.robinlinke.com.au
(Capelle aan den IJssel, Netherlands:
Sale No. 615)
A public auction of 4,407 Lots of Netherlands and the Dutch Colonies, and General Worldwide Postage Stamps and Postal History. The auction will be conducted on the auction day at 1:00 (1st and 3rd sessions) and 7:00 PM (2nd and 4th sessions) at van Dieten Postzegelveiingen offices, located at Lylantse Baan 3, Capelle aan den Ijssel.
The Netherlands section is highly detailed, and includes all of the possible spectra for the country’s philatelia. The Dutch Colonies section also is comprehensive, and covers all of the possible aspects of Curaçao, Netherlands Indies (including the Japanese Occupation and the transitional Indonesia items), Netherlands New Guinea, and Surinam.
Better General Foreign are found in the listings of Belgium (Lot Nos. 2005-2035, incl 1935 Parcel Post gutter pairs), Cape of Good Hope (incl SG 13a used), Egypt (Lot Nos. 2037-2045, incl the 1952 30M ‘Farouk’ with blue double overprint), Germany (Lot Nos. 2051-2111, incl the 1905 Mi 83I-93I ‘Germania’, 1926 Mi 378-384 Airmails and 385-397 ‘Famous Men’, 1930 Mi 435-437 ‘Reich Presidents’, and 1932 and 1933 Mi 467-473 and 479-481 ‘Reich Day’ all as Blocks-of-4 XF NH), Great Britain (w/ £1 QV and KEVII issues used), and Switzerland.
NOTE: The catalog for this sale is available from the auctioneer For ¤12.50; please forward an E-Mail to the auctioneer for details.
NOTE: The catalog for this auction also is available on the Van Dieten Postzegelveilingen B.V. WebSite [see below]).
TEL [31] 10 284.55.60 FAX [31] 10 284.55.65
E-Mail: Info@VanDieten.nl
WebSite: http://www.vandieten.com
(New York, NY: Auction No. 0909-B)
872 Lots representing the very comprehensive ‘Vladivostok’ Specialized Collection of Russia.
Apparently, this collection of Russia has been carefully assembled by an astute collector with a keen eye for rarity and variety. The sale possibly features the largest assemblage of perforation varieties (incl imperforates), the ‘fantails’, imperforates between, line perforations, gutters, and more, w/ numerous items never before offered at auction.
NOTE: The entire Cherrystone Philatelic Auctions catalog can be viewed on their WebSite [see below]. Most of the single lots are accompanied by quality color scans, and Opening Prices are updated daily.
TEL (212) 977-7734 FAX (212) 977-8652
E-Mail: Info@CherrystoneAuctions.com
WebSite: http://www.cherrystoneauctions.com
(New York, NY: Sale No. 968B)
An exceptional offering representing the comprehensive Alan B. Whitman Collection of ‘Outstanding’ Quality United States Stamps: Part Three.
The Part 3 sale of this magnificent collection includes the United States issues of 1902 through 1934, and the Back-of-the-Book material.
NOTE: The entire Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries catalogue can be viewed on their WebSite [see below].
TEL (212) 753-6421 FAX (212) 753-6429
E-Mail: STrepel@SiegelAuctions.com (Scott R. Trepel)
JZuckerman@SiegelAuctions.com (John P. Zuckerman)
WebSite: http://www.siegelauctions.com
23rd BEHR - DROUOT 18
(Paris, France: Sale No. 8)
5,818 Lots of prime Postage Stamps and Postal History representing France, the French Offices Abroad, and the French Colonies, as well other European and Overseas Areas.
In addition to the fine and upscale sections of France, the individual French Colonies sections offer much in the way of their Postage Stamps, Covers, and used Postal Stationery, the majority of which is seldom encountered at your corner stamp store. Colonies of special interest incl Benin, Diego Suarez, the French Congo, Guadeloupe, Indochina, the Ivory Coast, New Hebrides, Obock, Reunion, St. Pierre and Miquelon, the Somali Coast, and Tahiti.
Other sections with showings of better material incl Austria (Lot Nos. 4284-4372), the Bahamas (Lot Nos. 5027-5034), Barbados (Lot Nos. 5035-5050), the German States and Germany (Lot Nos. 4098-4283), Hawai'i (Lot Nos. 5578-5590), Hungary (Lot Nos. 4576-4596), the Italian States and Italy (Lot Nos. 4622-4799), Luxembourg (Lot Nos. 4800-4863), Natal (Lot Nos. 5187-5225), the Netherlands (Lot Nos. 4864-4893), Spain (Lot Nos. 4424-4497), the Transvaal (Lot Nos. 5368-5386), and the United States (Lot Nos. 5488-5577)
TEL [33] 1 FAX [33] 1
E-Mail: Drouot18@Behr.fr
WebSite: http://www.behr.fr
(London, England)
An 808-Lot public auction representing the properties of 30 different consignors, and offering specialized sections of Aden (Lot Nos. 423-460), Brunei (Lot Nos. 504-516), the Great Britain Surface Printed and Embossed issues Covers to Foreign Destinations (Lot Nos. 23-139), the Derrick Cunliffe County of Manchester Postal History Collection (Lot Nos. 140-290), North Borneo (Lot Nos. 649-675), South West Africa (Lot Nos. 722-741), and the ‘Blackdown’ Collection of Stamps and Postal History of Switzerland (Lot Nos. 745-783).
NOTE: The entire Argyll Etkin Limited catalog can be viewed on their WebSite [see below].
TEL [44] 207 437-7800 FAX [44] 207 434-1060
E-Mail: Philatelists@Argyll-Etkin.com
WebSite: http://www.argyll-etkin.com
(New York, NY: Auction No. 0909-C)
437 Lots representing the fascinating, eclectic, and very comprehensive, Andrew Cronin Collection of Postal History of the World.
Among the listings are many hidden treasures representing Albania, the Baltic States, the Carpatho-Ukraine, comprehensive Czechoslovakian Legion in Siberia, Epirus, in-depth Hungary, an abundance of early Mongolia Covers, Thrace, Russia Postal History, Tannu Touva, Thrace, and other scarcer Postal History Areas.
Some of the other areas from which very little is offered at auction are found in the listings of Azerbaijan, Batum, Greece - Dedeagatch, Ethiopia, the Far Eastern Republic, Georgia, and Karelia.
NOTE: The entire Cherrystone Philatelic Auctions catalog can be viewed on their WebSite [see below]. Most of the single lots are accompanied by quality color scans, and Opening Prices are updated daily.
TEL (212) 977-7734 FAX (212) 977-8652
E-Mail: Info@CherrystoneAuctions.com
WebSite: http://www.cherrystoneauctions.com
(Paris, France: Sale No. 72)
A 3,398-Lot sale of better France, French Offices Abroad, French Colonies, and other philatelic French Areas, as well as comprehensive selection of General Foreign.
The France section is highlighted by a complete range of philatelia, from the classic issues through to the better modern.
The French Colonies are very well represented, and features many rare and otherwise desirable items from the full spectrum of stamp-issuing entities, including Proofs, ERRORS, and other varieties.
NOTE: The entire François Feldman F.C.N.P. auction catalog can be viewed on the auctioneer's WebSite, with all lots being accompanied by high quality scans [see below]:
TEL [33] 1 FAX [33] 1
E-Mail: FrancoisFeldman@Wanadoo.fr
WebSite: http://www.FrancoisFeldman.com
(Hamburg, Germany: Public Auction No. 202)
This sale is being celebrated as the auctioneer’s 80th Year Jubilee Auction, the company opening their doors to the philatelic world in 1929,
The auction incls 2,236 Lots of Germany and the German Areas, and General Foreign Postage Stamps and Postal History. Highlights of the sale include German States and Zeppelin Mails.
NOTE: The entire Edgar Mohrmann & Company Internationale Briefmarkenauktionen GmbH auction catalog can be viewed on their WebSite [see below].
TEL [49] 40 68.94.700 FAX [49] 40
E-Mail: Auction@Edgar-Mohrmann.de
Auction Dates WebSite:
WebSite: http://www.edgar-mohrmann.de
25th - 26th H. R. HARMER INC.
(Irvine, CA: Sale Nos. 2993-2394)
A comprehensive sale of United States and General Foreign Postage Stamps and Postal History, to be conducted at a venue nearby to the new H. R. Harmer Inc. Irvine, California headquarters: The Hilton Costa Mesa Hotel, 3050 Bristol Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92626.
The sale is highlighted by a 350-Lot section offering the “Crest” Collection of the Ryukyu Islands, which is offered in a detailed stand-alone catalog. The listings incl Essays, Trial Color Proofs, Proofs, Specimens, and Errors, followed by a superior grouping of ‘Provisional Government’ items. The early material incls two sets of ‘Military Currency Chits’, and two proofs of the ‘Kume Shima’ (also a used Single). The ‘Chops’ section incls many desirable Varieties, Errors, Multiples, and examples used on documents. The postal history represented by this time period is extensive.
Also offered are 1,200 Sets, Singles and Postal History of the United States and General Foreign.
The British Commonwealth section features useful ranges of Australia and the Australian States, Canada, and Great Britain, and featuring the New South Wales 1885/86 £1 ‘Postage’ overprint, the scarce Bahamas 1942 5/- red lilac and blue on Chalky Paper, the British Central Africa 1885 £25 Coat-of-Arms w/ ‘Specimen’ overprint, and the Falkland Islands 1930s Photo Essays (incl the £1 Centenary issue).
The General Foreign section incls strengths in the various Western European countries, primarily Austria, and Germany and the German Colonies. Featured are the rare Iceland 1897 Large "prir 3" on ‘5a’ green Perforated 14x13 1/2, Germany Zeppelin sets and singles (incl the 4Mk ‘Chicagoflug’ as full Sheet-of -50, plus and a nice selection of ‘Inselpost’ overprints). A showpiece offered is the discovery (and only recorded) example of the Naples 1861 2g ‘Celeste’ with embossing (the ‘Head’) omitted. Also presented is an expertized group of the 1947 Saar issue as imperforate Blocks-of-4, and a comprehensive selection of various 1930s-era Western Europe Souvenir Sheets.
The United States and United States Possessions sections presents a range of Postal History, Singles and graded material up to the ‘Gem-100J’ status (incl Sc 28, 528B and R37a). These are followed by Canal Zone Postal History (w/ a wreck of the SS Finance Cover), Hawaii Postal History (w/ an 1827 cover from Oahu), a specialized Philippines ‘O.B.’ Handstamp collection (incl most of the overprinted issues), and an exceptional showing of the Philippines 1925 imperforates as multiples and up to Sheets-of-100.
The sale closes with 728 Lots of individual and General Country Collections, Accumulations, Estates, and other Large Lots.
NOTE: The entire H.R. Harmer Inc. auction catalog can be viewed on their WebSite approximately three (3) weeks previous to the auction date [see below].
TEL (949) 748-4802 or (800) 782-6771
FAX: (949) 748-4803
E-Mail: Info@HRHarmer.com
WebSite: http://www.hrharmer.com
25th - 27th INVESTPHILA SA
(Lugano, Switzerland: Sale Nos. 13-14)
Two separate upscale sales presented in individual auction catalogues that incl a magnificent selection of South American philatelia, to be conducted on the Friday and Saturday at 2:00 PM, and on Sunday at 10:00 AM, at the Hotel Lugano Dante, Piazza Cioccaro 5, Lugano.
Sale No. 13 - Offered are several specialized collections, incl the ‘Patagonia’ Collection of Argentina, the Don Juan Santa Maria Collection of Colombia, and a specialized presentation of the 1856-1864 ‘Sun’ Issues of Uruguay.
Sale No. 14 - A general sale differing from most such in that the philatelia offered reflects upscale, rare, and otherwise desirable material, highlighted by the following offerings:
~ Further classical Argentina (ABNCo Issues) incl outstanding 1862//1869 Covers, French Maritime Mails, the British Post Office (Lot Nos. 1000-1075)
~ Brazil, incl 1821//1842 pre-Adhesives, the 1843 ‘Bull’s-Eyes’ and 1844-1845 ‘Goat’s-Eyes’ issues as Singles, Multiples, and on Covers or Official Documents, the 1866-1878 ‘Dom Pedro II’ issues as Unused Multiples and on Cover, and later issues (Lot Nos. 1088-1224)
~ Chile, with 1853//1872 Covers, incl an exquisite triple-rate letter mailed per a British Steamer from Copiapó ==> Valparaíso (Lot Nos. 1225-1233)
~ Further classical and other Colombia, w/ a large selection of Unused classical issues in a quality being much higher than is the norm, a very comprehensive selection of the overprinted Poster Labels air mail issues, SCADTA-issued material, and better Colombian States material (Lot Nos. 1234-1395)
~ Costa Rica, highlighted by better 1895//1919 Covers (Lot Nos. 1396-1411)
~ Ecuador, incl pre-Adhesives, numerous 1865-1873 1st Issue Covers (incl one of the two recorded 1st issues on a Registered Cover), and nineteen [!] different British Post Office at Guayaquil (‘C41’ oblit) Covers (Lot Nos. 1415-1518)
~ The ‘Concordia’ Collection of Uruguay: Part III, incl a very large selection of the 1856-1864 ‘Sun’ (and later) Issues Used and Unused as Singles and Multiples (some being large), and on Cover; and French Maritime Mails (Lot Nos. 1532-1837)
~ Austria and the Austrian Offices in the Levant (Lot Nos. 1840-1856)
~ France (Lot Nos. 1857-1899)
~ Great Britain, w/ an 1840 ‘Penny Black’ Plate 55 Unused Block-of-4 with much OG, and an 1850 ‘Congressional Mulready’ (Lot Nos. 1964-1972)
~ Greenland - an International Gold Medal ‘Pakke-Porto’ Issues of Greenland Collection (Lot Nos. 1981-2055)
~ Luxembourg - incl a specialized collection of the 1st issue (Lot Nos. 2057-2156).
~ Russia, with a strong emphasis on classic-era Postal History (Lot Nos. 2161-2219)
~ Spain, with a strong showing of the 1st issues as Unused and Used Singles, and on Cover (Lot Nos. 2220-2266)
NOTE: The complete catalog for this auction is available on the InvestPhila SA WebSite [see below].
TEL [41] 91 911.62.00 FAX [41] 91 922.20.52
E-Mail: Info@InvestPhila.com
WebSite: http://www.investphila.com
(Darmstadt, Germany: Public Auction Nos. 26)
A 7,349-Lot public auction strong in Germany and the German Areas Postage Stamps and Postal History.
The offerings allow for many other bidding opportunities for better non-German Areas, to include Overseas Areas, and European Areas.
NOTE: The entire Darmstädter Briefmarkenauktion catalog can viewed on their WebSite [see below]
TEL [49] 6151 55.047 FAX [49] 6151 55.049
E-Mail: Info@Kiel-Briefmarken.de
WebSite: http://www.kiel-briefmarken.de
(Moncalieri [Torino], Italy)
Several thousand Lots of Postage Stamps and Postal History highlighted by better Italian States, the Kingdom and the Republic of Italy, Italian Offices Abroad, Italian Colonies, San Marino, and Vatican City.
NOTE: The entire Paolo Gazzera Studio Filatelico auction catalogue can be viewed on their WebSite [see below].
TEL/FAX [39] 11 640-7760
E-Mail: Contact@FilateliaGazzera.com
WebSite: http://www.filateliagazzera.com or http://www.unionphil.com
(Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon, France: Sale No. 70)
An interesting selection of prestige Worldwide Classical Postal History. The exactly 1,200 upscale lots offer a great selection of France, the French Offices Abroad, and the French Colonies. The balance of the sale offers the rest of the world (496 Lots), and covers the spectrum of better General Foreign postal history, to include many pleasant surprises.
Worldwide countries having particular listings strength include the Austrian Offices in the Levant, Canada (w/ a 4-Margin 10d blue ‘Cartier’ on an 1855 Cover ==> England), China, the Danish West Indies, Egypt, Guatemala, Indian States (w/ ‘Used Abroads’), the Italian States (esp Sardinia), Liberia (incl an 1869 ‘HARPER / PAID’ Cover ==> Germany), Malta, Palestine (incl the Austrian and Turkish Post Offices), the Portuguese Colonies (esp Angola and Mozambique), and Zanzibar (including the German P.O.)
NOTE: The entire Lugdunum Philatélie catalogue can be viewed on their WebSite in both the French and English language texts [see below].
TEL [33] 4 FAX [33] 4
E-Mail: Lugdunum.Philatelie@Wanadoo.fr
WebSite: http://www.lugdunum-philatelie.com
(Oberkirch, Germany: Auction No. 327)
A 5,621-Lots sale strong in Germany and the German Areas Postage Stamps and Postal History, but the offerings allow for many other bidding opportunities for better non-German areas.
NOTE: The entire Jürgen Götz e.K. Internationale Auktionhaus auction catalog can be viewed on their German:English:French trilingual language WebSite [see below].
TEL [49] 7802 9.34.40 FAX [49] 7802 59.03
E-Mail: GoetzAuktion@T-OnLine.de
WebSite: http://www.goetz-auktion.de
(Axbridge, Somerset, England: Sale No. 5)
A 731-lot sale featuring very comprehensive selections of British Commonwealth Postage Stamps and Proofs, and especially representing specialized KGVI era items listed in the British Stanley Gibbons (SG) and the Commonwealth King George VI (CW) Catalogues.
Many of the offerings represent items seldom seen in the market. The many ‘SPECIMEN’ singles and sets being offered have been expertised as, apparently, numerous forgeries exist for the Perfin versions of these stamps. Also offered are numerous attractive London-based printer Waterlow & Sons Limited (W&S) Color Trial Proof sheets.
Lot No. 049: Ascension - SG 48s-49s 1946 ‘Victory’ issue ‘SPECIMENS’
Lot No. 091: Great Britain - SG 476 1939 10/- dark blue KGVI Block-of-4 NH
W/ three different plate varieties.
Lot No. 106: Aden - SG 29w ‘Victory’ Inverted Watermark, the unique copy
Lot No. 115: Antigua - ca. 1947 KGVI pictorials as W&S Color Trial Proofs
Lot No. 142: Bahamas - SG 162 1942 1/2d KGVI w/ double overprint
Lot No. 156: Basutoland - ca. 1947 KGVI pictorials as W&S Color Trial Proofs
Lot No. 171: Bermuda - SG 116db 1943 2/- KGVI ‘blank scroll’ var Unused
Lot No. 180: - - SG 118db 1941 5/- KGVI ‘broken top scroll’ var Unused
Lot No. 187: - - SG 119ce 1943 10/- KGVI ‘broken lower scroll’ var Unused
Lot No. 188: - - SG 119cf 1943 10/- KGVI ‘gash in chin’ var Unused
Lot No. 200: - - SG 120cf 1943 12/6 KGVI ‘gash in chin’ var Unused
Lot No. 208: - - SG 121bb 1943 £1 KGVI ‘blank scroll’ var Unused
Lot No. 253: Canada - SG O169 1949 50¢ ‘missing period’ in a Block-of-4
Lot No. 256: Caymans - ca. 1947 KGVI pictorials as W&S Color Trial Proofs
Lot No. 257: Ceylon - 1924 1000R KGV ‘nick in right scroll’ var Unused
Lot No. 268: Cyprus - ca. 1947 KGVI pictorials as W&S Color Trial Proofs
Lot No. 276: Falkland Islands - SG 146s-163s 1938 KGVI ‘SPECIMENS’
Lot No. 298: Gibraltar - SG 129b 1951 5/- ‘broken ‘R’’ in a Block-of-4
Lot No. 253: Hong Kong - SG 153ab 1945 50¢ ‘double offset on reverse’
Lot No. 253: India - Cochin - SG 92c 1943 1a3p ‘Kerala Varma II’ Used
Lot No. 475: Leeward islands - SG 199ba 1947 ‘broken ‘E’’ interpanneau Pair
Lot No. 506: - - SG 112a 1938 5/- ‘broken ‘E’’ variety Unused VF
Lot No. 538: - - SG 112ca 1944 10/- ‘missing Pearl’’ variety Unused VF
Lot No. 544: - - SG 114a 1942 £1 ‘broken lower scroll’ in a Block-of-4
Lot No. 556: Malaya - Straits Settlements - SG F1 1938 $25 Postal Fiscal
Lot No. 572: Malaya - Kelantan - SG J27 1942 50¢/1¢ w/ BPA Certificate
Lot No. 580: Malaya - Malacca - SG J55 1942 $1 w/ BPA Certificate
Lot No. 588: Malaya - Trengganu - SG J116 1942 $25 w/ BPA Certificate
Lot No. 595: Malaya - Pahang - SG J189a 1942 $5 w/ RPSL Certificate
Lot No. 599: Malaya - Trengganu - Japanese Occupation - SG TT16 Blk-of-4
Lot No. 602: Malta - ca. 1947 KGVI pictorials W&S Color Trial Proofs
Lot No. 603: - - ca. 1947 KGVI overprinted pictorials W&S Color Trial Proofs
Lot No. 622: New Zealand - SG F159 1931-1940 25/- ‘Arms’ Postal Fiscal
Lot No. 646: N. Rhodesia - ca. 1947 KGVI pictorials W&S Color Trial Proofs
Lot No. 657: Nyasaland - ca. 1947 KGVI pictorials W&S Color Trial Proofs
Lot No. 671: St. Helena - ca. 1947 KGVI pictorials W&S Color Trial Proofs
Lot No. 706: South Africa - SG O35 2d ‘overprint reading upwards’ Pair
Lot No. 731: Turks & Caicos - ca. 1947 pictorials as W&S Color Trial Proofs
NOTE: Auction agent attendance services will not be available for this sale.
NOTE: The entire Murray Payne Ltd. catalogue can be viewed on their WebSite [see below].
TEL [44] 1934 73.25.11 FAX [44] 1934 73.34.98
E-Mail: Info@MurrayPayne.com
WebSite: http://www.MurrayPayne.com
(New York, NY: Sale No. 969X)
A powerful presentation of United States and General Foreign Postage Stamps and Postal History at public auction, featuring the consignments of several name collections (To be determined: some of the collections will be presented in the future October-December auctions):
~ The Martin D. Richardson Collection of United States Post Office Seals. This collection includes both regular government-issued Seals, and locally-produced typeset Seals. The collection’s highlights include:
~~ Sc OXF1P, the 1877 issue brown Large Die Proof
~~ Sc OX7 + LOX8f
~~ Sc LOX27 black / brown-red paper, the only recorded example
~ The Jonathan W. Rose Collection of Worldwide First Issues. The 2009 Siegel ‘Rarities of the World/ sale featured some of the highlights from the Rose collection. The major part of the collection will be offered in the December 2009 sale of Foreign Stamps and Covers.
~ The Walter Senchuk United States Stamps Philatelic Estate, the owner assembling his collection with an obvious eye for top quality. Highlights of the collection include:
~~ Sc 13 10¢ green ‘Washington’ with massive margins Used
~~ Sc 27 5¢ brick-red ‘Jefferson’ vertical Pair Used w/ clean cds’
~~ Sc 64a 3¢ pigeon blood-pink ‘Washington’ Used w/ clean cds
~~ Sc 72 90¢ blue ‘Washington’ well-centered vertical Pair Unused
~~ Sc 84 2¢ black D-Grill ‘Jackson’ well centered w/ clean blue oblit
~~ Sc 114 3¢ ultramarine ‘Locomotive’ Used w/ a ‘Bee’ oblit
~~ Sc 140 12¢ dull violet ‘Clay’ with large margins Used
~~ Sc 142 24¢ purple ‘Scott’ very well centered w/ light blue oblit
~~ 1¢ blue ‘Franklin’ Strip-of-3 on 1862 Patriotic Cover
~~ 3¢ rose ‘Washington’ w/ West Meriden CT ‘Devil’ oblit Cover
~~ 10¢ green ‘Washington’ on ‘HAWAII STEAM SERVICES’ Cover
~~ 1861 5¢+10¢+30¢ issues on a pretty Cover ==> China
~ The Barry Schwartz Collection of the Postal History of Kentucky. Some key items in this collection include:
~~ An 1847 issue 5¢ Pair from Bardstown ==> Egypt via London.
~~ A Louisville-origin ‘Brown & McGill’ Carrier Stamp (Sc 5LB2) used w/ a 1857 3¢ on a colorful yellow & yellow-green Louisville ==> Baltimore all-over Printer’s Advertising Cover.
~~ The only recorded ‘Pony Express’ Cover used from Kentucky (from Caseyville, and addressed to ‘Staples Ranch, California’).
~~ Two extraordinary 1861 ‘Adams Express’ covers from Confederate-held New Orleans to Paris routed through Louisville, both addressed to the French noble de Vitrolles family; one of the covers is the only recorded example of the 1863 30¢ orange Franklin on a ‘through the lines’ Civil War express cover.
~~ A Confederate States ‘the Hanging of Lincoln’ pictorial Propaganda Cover used from Bowling Green to Sandy Ridge, Alabama.
~~ The rare Covington-origin John J. McMackin & Co. ‘Shanghai Matches’ Private Die Match Stamp (Sc RO129)
~~~ The Thurston Twigg-Smith United States ‘Pony Express’ Collection (a Robert A. Siegel ‘Single Owner’ Catalogue).
~~~ The Steven C. Walske Collection of Confederate States Military Mails. This outstanding collection includes many rarities, and has been awarded Large Gold and other prizes in numerous exhibitions.
~~~ The ‘Whitpain’ Collection of the United States First Bureau Issues (a Robert A. Siegel ‘Single Owner’ Catalogue). This portion of the collection includes all aspects of the series, to include Plate No. Blocks, only recorded Die Essays, $1 values multiples with Plate Nos. or Imprints, Imperforates, and the Daprix ‘I.R.’ overprint (Sc R158B).
NOTE: The entire Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries catalogue can be viewed on their WebSite [see below].
TEL (212) 753-6421 FAX (212) 753-6429
E-Mail: STrepel@SiegelAuctions.com (Scott R. Trepel)
JZuckerman@SiegelAuctions.com (John P. Zuckerman)
WebSite: http://www.siegelauctions.com
Charles E. Cwiakala
Philatelic Auction Agent
1527 South Fairview Avenue
Park Ridge, IL 60068-5211 U.S.A.
TEL/FAX: (847) 823-8747
Cell Phone: (847) 204-8747
E-Mail: CECwiakala@aol.com
WebSite: http://www.cwiakala.com
Estate Planning ~ Consultant ~ Private Treaty
APS 56778 ~ BCPSG ~ BCS ~ BWISC ~ Polonus ~
USPCS 2478 ~ Collectors Club of Chicago