25 years of the Czech Police - booklet of 8 different "My Own Stamps" / 25 ans de la police tcheque - carnet de 8 "My Own Stamps" différents
Le 21 juin 1991, une loi du Conseil National officialisait la création de la police de la République tcheque ("Policie České Republiky"), une force de sécurité armée du ministere de l'intérieur, au service de la population, visant a protéger la sécurité des personnes, des biens et l'ordre public et a prévenir les infractions pénales.
Le 8 juin 2016, la, poste tcheque a mis en circulation un carnet composé de 8 timbres pré-personnalisés autocollants différents de type "Vlastní známka" ou "My Own Stamp" ("Mon propre timbre"), au tarif permanent domestique jusqu'a 50g "A" (16 CZK), consacrés a ce 25eme anniversaire de la police tcheque... http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/2016/07/25-years-of-czech-police-booklet-of-8.html
On June 21, 1991, a National Council Act formalized the establishment of the Police of the Czech Republic ("Policie České Republiky"), an armed security force subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior, in the service of the people, to protect the security of people, property and public order and to prevent criminal offenses.
On June 8, 2016, the Czech Post has put into circulation a booklet consisting of 8 different pre-personalized stamps, considered as "Vlastní známky" or "My Own Stamps", corresponding to a permanent domestic rate up to 50g "A" (16 CZK), devoted to this 25th anniversary of the Czech police... http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/2016/07/25-years-of-czech-police-booklet-of-8.html
Eric Contesse: http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/2016/
Le 8 juin 2016, la, poste tcheque a mis en circulation un carnet composé de 8 timbres pré-personnalisés autocollants différents de type "Vlastní známka" ou "My Own Stamp" ("Mon propre timbre"), au tarif permanent domestique jusqu'a 50g "A" (16 CZK), consacrés a ce 25eme anniversaire de la police tcheque... http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/2016/07/25-years-of-czech-police-booklet-of-8.html
On June 21, 1991, a National Council Act formalized the establishment of the Police of the Czech Republic ("Policie České Republiky"), an armed security force subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior, in the service of the people, to protect the security of people, property and public order and to prevent criminal offenses.
On June 8, 2016, the Czech Post has put into circulation a booklet consisting of 8 different pre-personalized stamps, considered as "Vlastní známky" or "My Own Stamps", corresponding to a permanent domestic rate up to 50g "A" (16 CZK), devoted to this 25th anniversary of the Czech police... http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/2016/07/25-years-of-czech-police-booklet-of-8.html
Eric Contesse: http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/2016/