28. 11. 2013
24. 11. 2013
Výsledky aukce Profil na internetu
Výsledky 40. aukce Profil jsou už na internetu. Prohlédnout si je můžete ZDE.
První vlastní známky formou známkového sešitku
První zákaznické vlastní známky formou známkových sešitků vyšly v pátek. Objednavatelem je Správa železniční dopravní cesty, která tím oslavuje 175. výročí železniční dopravy na území dnešního Česka 1839 - 2014. Známky na zakázku SŽDC vycházejí zhruba měsíc předem, aby již na počátku roku 2014 byly připraveny k chystaným oslavám.
Technické údaje:
ZS VZ 0019, VZ 0127 – 0134
SŽDC - 175. výročí železniční dopravy na území ČR 1839-2014
Nominální hodnota: 104 Kč; Orientace známek: 8 na šířku; Vydání: 22. 11. 2013; Náklad ZS: 1900 ks, VZ: 15 200 ks.
Další informace: http://www.ceskaposta.cz/cz/filatelie/znamky/vlastni-znamky---prehled-id40906/
B. J.
39. výstavka odboru Známková tvorba
Srdečně Vás zveme na 39. výstavku odboru známkové tvorby České pošty, s.p., která bude pořádána ve středu 27. listopadu v prostorách bývalé prodejny filatelie v prvním patře budovy Hlavní pošty Praha 1 (ochoz nad dvoranou – jako obvykle). Budete mít výjimečnou možnost si zde prohlédnout výtvarné návrhy, rytecké rozkresby a podklady pro tisk vydaných poštovních známek, FDC a razítek na FDC, které vycházejí 27. 11. 2013. U přepážek č. 29/30 si můžete zakoupit známky a FDC pro následnou autogramiádu.
- Příležitostná známka „Umělecká díla na známkách: Bohuslav Reynek (1892 – 1971)“, nominální hodnota 30,- Kč, rytec Bohumil Šneider.
- Příležitostná známka „Umělecká díla na známkách: Max Švabinský (1873 – 1962)“, nominální hodnota 35,- Kč, rytec Václav Fajt.
Účast přislíbili: Martin Srb, Bohumil Šneider a Václav Fajt.
14:30 hod. otevření výstavky pro veřejnost
15:15 hod. zahájení s autory
16:30 hod. ukončení akce
Přizpůsobte, prosíme, počet svých materiálů pro autogramiádu tak, aby se dostalo na všechny, tzn. na osobu maximálně 10 ks k podpisu od jednoho autora!
Marie Chábová
vedoucí oddělení
Prodejna známkové tvorby
Jindřišská 14, Praha 1
Tel.: +420 221 131 420
GSM: +420 605 220 617
Nabídka odboru známková tvorba
Vydání pamětních listů Známkové tvorby
27. 11. 2013 (středa) – PLZ č. 38: „Max Švabinský – 140. výročí narození (17. 10. 1873, Kroměříž)“, poř. č. 84001 – 85900, s nalepenou příležitostnou známkou (k. č. 794, nominál 35,- Kč) „Umělecká díla na známkách – Max Švabinský (1873 – 1962)“ a otiskem pamětního razítka.
Mimořádné vydání vlastních známek (též viz starší příspěvky na tomto blogu)
Dne 11. 12. 2013 budou dány do oběhu vlastní (personalizované) známky - 3. oficiální vydání České pošty s názvem „CZECH TENNIS“ s natištěným písmenem „A“. Písmeno „A“ odpovídá ceně za vnitrostátní obyčejné psaní – standard do 50 g dle ceníku základních poštovních služeb v aktuálním znění – ke dni vydání 13 Kč.
Tato emise je vydávána ve spolupráci s firmou Safina u příležitosti 120. výročí českého tenisu. Tiskový list obsahuje 25 různých známek s portréty našich tenisových legend. V prodeji budou pouze celé archy v nominální hodnotě 325,- Kč (25 ks x 13,- Kč).
Razítkované známky, FDC ani nálepní listy nejsou k vlastním známkám vydávány.
Marie Chábová
vedoucí oddělení prodejna známkové tvorby
Jindřišská 14, 110 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 221 131 420
GSM: +420 605 220 617
e-mail: chabova.marie@cpost.cz
Émission commune France-Singapour: la mode! / France-Singapore joint stamp issue: Fashion!
L'année 2013 est l'année du 40ème anniversaire de la "Fashion Week" de Paris même si la 1ère "Semaine de la Mode" de l'histoire eu lieu à New York il y a 70 ans...
Cette "Fashion Week" à Paris (du 30 juin au 5 juillet cette année) est l'occasion pour les maisons de haute couture françaises et internationales de présenter leurs nouvelles collections au cours de cette semaine de défilés.
Paris est traditionnellement considérée comme la capitale de la mode, de l'élégance et du luxe à la française.
C'est sans doute pour cette raison que ce thème de la mode a été choisi pour l'émission commune (4 timbres) entre la France et Singapour, émise le 8 novembre 2013... http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/2013/11/emission-commune-france-singapour-la.html
The year 2013 is the year marking the 40th anniversary of the "Fashion Week" in Paris even if the first "Fashion Week" in history took place in New York 70 years ago...
This "Fashion Week" in Paris (from June 30 to July 5 this year) is an opportunity for French and international haute couture houses to showcase their new collections during this week of fashion shows.
Paris is traditionally regarded as the capital of fashion, elegance and French luxury.
It is probably for this reason that this fashion's theme was chosen for the joint issue (4 stamps) between France and Singapore, issued on November 8, 2013... http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/2013/11/emission-commune-france-singapour-la.html
Eric Contesse: http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/
NEWS from Philasearch.com
- Philatino 71st Auction - Worldwide Classic Covers
- Lugdunum 87th Auction
- Württembergisches Auktionshaus 120th Auction
- Alexander Schulz 157th Auction
- David Feldman S.A. Geneva - Switzerland Auction
- David Feldman S.A. Auction: Rarities of the World
- Philatino 69th Auction - Worldwide Covers and Entires
- Schuyler Rumsey 54th Auction
- Hungarofila 41st Auction
- Phoenix 26th Auction - World Philatelic Auction
- Ginhart Art & Antiques - Christmas Auction
- Heickmann 91st Auction
- Rijnmond Postzegelveiling 70th Auction
- Siebers 50th Auction
- Auktionshaus Zofingen 50th Auction
Last call:
- 99th SAAR Specialised Auction
- Auktionshaus Gut Bernstorf 43th Special Auction Asiatica
- AB Philea 313th Auction - Jubilee Auction
- Götz 355th Auction
- Thomas Fischer 2nd online-auction
- Gert Müller 78th Auction
- Hettinger 35th Auction
- Historia Auktionshaus 117th Auction
- Teutoburger 79th coin auction
- AIX-Phila - 53rd Stamp Auction
Auktionshaus Zofingen 50th Auction, November 28th - 30th, 2013
Arts and Antiques auction
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Siebers 50th Auction, December 3rd - 4th, 2013
We offer over 3000 selected lots of Art, Antiques and old Toys over two auction days
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Rijnmond Postzegelveiling 70th Auction, December 6th - 7th, 2013
International auction with focus on Netherlands and areas
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Phoenix 26th Auction - World Philatelic Auction December 7th, 2013
This auction is a general philatelic sale with a wide range of material, including 1885 soldier's letter from Sudan to NSW, a group of Australian WWI material from the great Emery collection and an interesting group of letters and covers relating to the American Civil war. There are many rare and desirable stamps such as a superb MUH Ceylon KGV 100r, a wide range of British QV Specimens, a New South Wales 3d Sydney View plate proof, a Victoria unissued 5d Postage Due. There is also a previously undiscovered Australian Newspaper Wrapper cut-out with a ½d Tas embossed uprated with a ½d Kangaroo. A truly amazing item which was not even suspected as existing.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Heickmann 91st Auction, December 7th 2013
Large antiques and arts auction sale
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Ginhart Art & Antiques - Christmas Auction December 7th, 2013
It is our pleasure to welcome you to our Christmas auction. This auction contains over 300 lots from all areas.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Hungarofila 41st Auction, December 8th 2013
Hall and Mail Auction with over 1000 lots: beautifull large collections with a focus on Switzerland and Hungarian lithographic print issues as well as worldwide airmail (incl. rare trips) and a large Hungarian perfin collection (over 17,800 stamps incl. rare issues)
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Schuyler Rumsey 54th Auction, December 9th - 11th, 2013
The sale features United States, U.S. Possessions, British Commonwealth and General Foreign stamps and postal history. Some highlights include: United States Stamps, classics to modern, excellent Hawaii; British Commonwealth including Great Britain Illustrated Covers, Specialized Victoria (Australian State) Numeral Cancels, Foreign material includes Mexico, and a vast array of Worldwide collections and balance lots.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Philatino 69th Auction - Worldwide Covers and Entires December 10th, 2013
Interesting selection of covers (and some entires) of various countries, including very scarce postages, destinations and postmarks, several never-seen-before rarities, and lots for every level of collector!
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
David Feldman S.A. Auction: Rarities of the World December 13th, 2013
Russian Post Office in the Chinese Empire – Dr. Raymond Casey Collection. This third part of the collection will offer the post offices in Manchuria as well as the Chinese Eastern Railways. Rarities of the World with Valuable Collections and Private Treaty offers. This 17th rarities catalogue will offer an unusually fine assembly of over 110 rarities and valuable collections with a total combined estimate of over € 5’000’000. 37 different countries are represented with strength in China, Cyprus, France, Great Britain, India, Italian States and Mauritius. In addition some outstanding specialised collections of Afghanistan, Belgium, Bosnia, Cuba, Portugal, Serbia & Turkey.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
David Feldman S.A. Geneva - Switzerland Auction December 14, 2013
Switzerland with the first parts of the exceptional collections of Harlan F. Stone and Steve Turchik.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Alexander Schulz 157th Auction, December 14th, 2013
Large offer stamps and covers from all over the world as well as lots and collections
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Württembergisches Auktionshaus 120th Auction Dezember 14th, 2013
Once again we present a large number of interesting lots from the fantastic collection of Dr. Helmut Schmidt.
In addition the resolution of the magnificent Germany collection of a Düsseldorf lawyer with many hardly ever offered stamps from the period of 1872-1949, as well as a fine collection of European areas. German Colonies and Post Offices Abroad are as usual offered in a special catalog. Here are about 1500 lots on offer, with a large number of spectacular rarities. Particular attention should also be paid to the unique collection of German South-West Africa of the great hamburger collector Peter Wenzel. In the collection section you will find many untouched objects and estates that are waiting to be viewed.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Lugdunum 87th Auction, December 16th 2013
POSTAL HISTORY of the WORLD - This auction will include a fine selection of 520 covers of high quality.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Philatino 71st Auction - Worldwide Classic Covers December 17th, 2013
The second part of a group of NEW AND UNKNOWN COVERS from the Corti Riva archive, a company in Buenos Aires that imported machinery and other products from Europe between 1865 and 1900 approximately. The descendants of the owner of this company started to sell the archive from 1940, mainly to Mr Victor Kneitschel. Fortunately, this new lot of unknown covers was found recently, including a great number of rarities (good postages, Belgian paquebots, very interesting postal markings, and surely very scarce ships and routes!). Unique opportunity to get new material never exhibited in any collection!!
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Last call for:
99th SAAR Specialised Auction, November 23rd, 2013
Hans-Jürgen Steffen GmbH, Saarbrücken
The Comprehensive and specialized SAAR offer.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Auktionshaus Gut Bernstorf 43th Special Auction Asiatica November 23, 2013
Special auction dedicated to Asiatica
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
AB Philea 313th Auction - Jubilee Auction November 23rd, 2013
Welcome to our 25th Anniversary Jubilee Auction (No 314). The auction contains over 2200 philatelic lots from all of the World. There is a good range of e.g. Scandinavia, British Commonwealth, Germany, China and much more.
Our 5th Coin Auction will take place on November 16, a week before the Jubilee auction.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Götz 355th Auction, November 26th - 28th 2013
International auction sale with strong offer Germany and German territorries.
Also many lots and collections.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
the special catalogue:
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Thomas Fischer 2nd online-auction, November 27th, 2013
Interesting selection of postal history lots including strong part from Thurn and Taxis Nice collection section
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Gert Müller 78th Auction - Collections, November 29th - 30th, 2013
The 78th Gert Müller auction has the most extensive selection in our company history.
A variety of large and substantial estates, lots and collections. In addition there is a comprehensive liquidation part filled with collections and lots. Furthermore a very beautiful part of individual lots including rarities as well as special SBZ collection catalogs Prof. Dr. Hubertus J.
Buchheit and Special Federal Republic of Gerd Bennewirtz. A considerable coins section with extensive lots and rare unique pieces completes the comprehensive range. A total of five auction catalogs are published. An addendum catalog will be sent in mid-November.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Liquidation lots:
Single Lots:
SBZ Collection Prof. Dr. Buchheit:
Federal Republic Stock Gerd Bennewirtz
Hettinger 35th Auction, 29th November 2013
Auction sale specialized in germany and german aerea. Traditional large section combinations and booklets.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Historia Auktionshaus 117th Auction, November 29th - 30th, 2013
A wide range of art , antiques and collectibles will be offered in the upcoming auction at Historia in Berlin. Included is a representative collection of rare imperial time Roman jewelry. Much comes from the first to 3rd Century after Christ , but also jewelry from 900-100 BC is represented.
The late Hellenistic jewelry is generally typical "bourgeois " Roman jewelry, as it is known from grave finds in the entire Roman Empire. Rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants and bracelets which were mostly made of gold with precious and semi- precious stones.
In the painting and graphics section are atmospheric landscape paintings of Karl Kaufmann, Walter Moras, Carl Saltzman and others also high quality portraits and works of Russian artists. The repertoire includes paintings from the 16th Century to modern as well as contemporary art.
Furthermore auctioned are bronzes, clocks and furniture of various periods in addition to a large selection of porcelain, tableware and household silver. Noteworthy is the large repertoire of objects from the time of the Roman Empire.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
AIX-Phila - 53rd Stamp Auction, November 29th - 30th, 2013
More than 3,700 lots where about 1,500 are items and collections Resolution if a German block of four collection from 1872, with numerous high quality items Extensive dealer stock Federal Republic / Berlin Large amounts of above average quality goods with certificate Untouched collections from Germany to China from private hands Coins with an abundance of Prussia Thaler Very moderate starting prices!
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Teutoburger 79th coin auction, November 29th - 30th, 2013
Large Coin and Banknote auction sale
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Auctionhouse Rosslau 46th Auction, November 30, 2013
There are over 3400 lots from all German collection areas, Europe and Overseas available in our autumn auction.
The main focus is as usual numerous letters and postcards with interesting postages and uses of commercial covers. Also worth mentioning is a good collection of postage steps of the Silesia region and a nice SBZ cover collection with beautiful and rare frankings and cancellations from the OPD Mecklenburg. Also including a extensive estate collection, DDR collection and various other collections.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Dresdner 168th Stamp Auction Sale, December 3rd - 4th, 2013
55 years Dresdner Stamp Auctions
Focus of this auction:
- Saar
- DR blocks of four
and collections and untouched estates
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Cherrystone: Specialized Russia, December 4th, 2013
Auction specialized in Russia
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Corbitts 146th Stamps Auction, December 5th 2013
Stamp auction with strong section GB and british Commonwealth.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Raritan Stamps, Inc. - 59th Stamp Auction December 6th - 7th, 2013
This Sale contains 1215 lots of rare Stamps and Postal History of the World with emphasis of British Commonwealth, Asia, Eastern and Western Europe; comprehensive Russian area material, including property of 36 owners. Among the highlights of this Sale are Falkland Islands Centenary Issue in mint never hinged condition, first class Russian rarities, including Imperial Telegraph stamp, Zeppelin issue in horizontal imperforated pairs, Bobrov Zemstvo of 3k black on lilac laid paper, the only stamp available for private collectors and over one hundred Collections, Accumulations and Selections.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Auktionshaus Lux 182nd Auction, December 6th - 7th, 2013
Art & Antiques Auction
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
W. Fuerst 16th Int. Stamp Auction, December 6th - 7th 2013
Auction with strong section Switzerland.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Thomas Juranek 21st Auction, December 6th, 2013
Focus of this auction are 2nd Rep. provisionals and local issues, airmail, in particular postal stationery with the particular rarity of the picture postcard printing sheets 1936/37, (lot 989), freaks and errors with a rare block of 4 printing error of the "white mouth" (lot 1537) as well as two fine collections Olympics and Richard Wagner
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Potsdamer Philatelistisches Büro 50th Auction December 6th - 7th, 2013
International auction with strong offer postal history and special catalogue the postal history of Schleswig Holstein.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
58th Jennes & Kluetterman Auction, December 7th 2013
This Auction includes a rich selection for collectors and researchers.
Resolution of a very extensive collection of German foreign post offices and colonies with many rarities.
Poland with proofs and rare stamps.
Hanover with resolution of a very large collection with many rare pieces.
Canada and USA with good unused and mint stamps.
Austria with yellow and pink mercury and rare errors.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Wapler 56th Auction, Dezember 7, 2013
Auction house Wapler Christian established December 1973 celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2013. The auction includes covers from a wide range of thematics and the matching topic covers are also available. The auction includes up to 300 different sections and individual areas. Other highlights are covers from technic, company, time, military and postal history and German local covers from the German Empire (crown / eagle) to about 1990. Available are mainly exquisite individual covers in the price range between 10 - and 100 - €. The main focus is on covers and cancels (no collections). The covers are described in detail, the quality of the covers is above average.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Mirko Franke 63rd Auction, December 7th, 2013
First special auction with only stamp and coin lots/collections/estates.
Available for auction are almost 3000 lots, mainly from private hands or from dealer stocks. Particularly noteworthy are various very interesting stamp collections from the German Empire and area, comprehensive specialised collections e.g. from Denmark, France, Great Britain, Italy, Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland, Scandinavia, China, New Zealand and several promising coin lots!
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Michael Honegger 50th Auction, December 10th, 2013
Mailauction with better priced single lots as well as lots and collections.
Strong selection of items from Switzerland
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Enjoy browsing through our offers.
Your PhilaSearch.com team
Philasearch.com GmbH
Lindenweg 1
63877 Sailauf
E-Mail: service@philasearch.com
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Franz Fedra, Wolfram Eisert, Walter Christ
Písemná aukce firmy ALBUM s.r.o.
Firma ALBUM s.r.o. pripravila ďalšiu písomnú aukciu, zameranú na filatelistický a filokartistický material.
Položky si môžte pozrieť na web-stránke: www.albumik.sk /aukcia/ zoznam poloziek, kde mozete sledovat aj priebežné výsledky (posledné budú zverejnené 1. 12. 2013 o 12.00 hod). Dražobné podmienky nájdete vo vedľajšej sekcii.
Pokial by sa Vám stránka nedala otvoriť, môžte položky aj s vyobrazením pozrieť na facebooku: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Album-sro/137768286274817#!/pages/Album-sro/137768286274817?v=photos
(aj neregistrovaní užívatelia).
Uzávierka aukcie je 1. 12. 2013 o 18 hod. Pokiaľ máte záujem aj o TLAČENÝ aukčný katalóg, stači poslať objednávku na náš e-mail, rozposielaný bol do konca minulého týždňa.
Príkazy môžte posielať mailom (každý potvrdíme), písomnou formou alebo faxom (č: ++421 -2- 4342 9386).
Dražiteľom z ČR budú popložky zasielané z ČR (nižšie poštovné), alebo si ich budú môcť osobne prevziať v Prahe alebo Brne. Platba v Kč na účet v ČR možná.
Prajeme Vám veľa úspechov v našich aukciach a veľa prírastkov pre Vaše zbierky.
S priatelským pozdravom, za kolektív aukcionárov:
Michal Zika
ALBUM, s.r.o.
Jégého 10 A
821 08 Bratislava - Slovakia
phone: +421-2-4342 9386
mobile: +421-917-524- 264
22. 11. 2013
Nástěnný kalendář Václava Zapadlíka? Proč ne.
Na všechny kalendáře je možný dotisk loga Vaší firmy, nebo Vaší reklamy. Podrobnější náhledy kalendářů naleznete také na níže uvedených odkazech:
Cenová nabídka platí při odběru min. 20 ks.
Vydavatelství Reprom
Poštovní přepážky, kde budou k dispozici vlastní známky ke 120 letům českého tenisu
Poštovní přepážky, kde budou k dispozici vlastní známky ke 120 letům českého tenisu - pošta: Blatná, Brno 50 (Post Merkur), České Budějovice, Český Krumlov, Dačice, Domažlice, Frýdek Místek, Havířov, Hradec Králové 2, Hradec Králové 3, Jablonec, Jihlava, Jindřichův Hradec, Klatovy, Kolín 1, Kopřivnice, Krnov, Kroměříž, Liberec 1, Nový Jičín, Olomouc, Ostrava 30, Pěnčín u Liberce, Písek 1, Prachatice, Praha 1 (prodejna známkové tvorby, přepážka č. 29 a 30), Praha 012 Hrad, Přerov 2, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Strakonice, Strunkovice, Šumperk, Tábor 2, Teplice 8, Třeboň, Úpice, Vacov, Valašské Meziříčí, Volary, Vodňany, Vsetín, Zlín.
Vycházejí 11. prosince 2013 v arších po 25 kusech. Prodávají se pouze v celém archu o 25 známkách x nominále „A“ (13 Kč), celkem 325 Kč/1 arch. Náklad 30 tis. archů nebude dotiskován.
B. J.
18. 11. 2013
Zvláštní on line Olympsportu
Čas oponou trhnul a vyškubnul z ní dvě zásadní novinky, se kterými bych Vás rád seznámil. Obě považuji za tak důležité, že se pokusíme s nimi seznámit i počítačově nevybavené členy OS. Oč se jedná? V podstatě o toto:
Objednávky na dodání celých aršíků přijímá od členů Olympsportu také náš novinkář, Jirka Hampl, jenže nejen na celé aršíky, ale také na soubor 25 kusů obálek s přítisky (každý jiný), opatřenými vždy jednou známkou, orazítkovanou SR k výročí 120 let tenisu v zemích koruny České. Cena jednoho takového souboru bude, prozatím předběžně, 600.- Kč v závislosti na počtu objednaných kompletů. Jednotlivé obálky objednávat nelze, pouze celý komplet 25 kusů.
Máte-li o tuto záležitost zájem, objednávejte obratem na adrese:
Jiří Hampl, Rabyňská 741, 142 00 Praha 4
nebo mailem na adrese olympsport@gmail.com
Ještě do vánoc byste měli obdržet jubilejní 50.Knihovničku Olympsportu OLYMPIJSKÁ AKADEMIE autorů Hladíka a Petráska. Nezapomeňte si objednat publikaci k MS ve vodním slalomu a pamětní listy ke křtu známky k MS ve vodním slalomu a ke 100. výročí vzniku kanoistiky v Čechách.
Jarda Petrásek
Další informace: http://ekonomika.idnes.cz/ceska-posta-vydava-znamky-s-zijicimi-osobnostmi-fu5-/ekoakcie.aspx?c=A131118_120239_ekoakcie_fih
16. 11. 2013
90 let ČSA
Letecká přeprava poštovních zásilek patří mezi velmi oblíbené specializované obory. V rámci organizované filatelie se zrodily různé entity, v jejichž rámci se setkávají sběratelé vyznávající artefakty tohoto oboru. V České republice existuje odborná Společnost aerofilatelie v rámci SČF. V rámci klubů filatelistů existovalo a existuje několik nadšenců, kteří se letecké poště a příbuzným oborům též věnují. Nejinak to bylo i v rámci našeho klubu. S leteckou přepravou úzce souvisí pochopitelně razítka několika druhů, výplatní otisky, poznámky pošty, různé nálepky, mnohdy i znaky cenzurních zásahů (zejména při válečných konfliktech). Smutná stránka, na které se toto sběratelství soustřeďuje, jsou celistvosti vzniklé při katastrofách dopravních prostředků. Kromě letecké přepravy existují i další příbuzné obory, z nichž populární je pošta přepravována vzducholoděmi a další.
V našem státě významně k přepravě poštovních zásilek (kromě dalších svých úkolů) přispěly ČSA (dříve Československé státní aerolinie, později Československé aerolinie a nyní České aerolinie)...
Celý článek Ivana Leiše: http://www.kf0015.cz/?p=8951
web KF 00-15 specializovaných oborů: http://www.kf0015.cz/
Les 2 LISA du Salon d'Automne 2013 / The two "Salon d'Automne 2013" ATM stamps
A l'occasion du 67ème Salon Philatélique d'Automne organisé à Paris du 6 au 9 novembre 2013, la poste française a mis en circulation, comme de coutume, deux nouvelles vignettes LISA ayant respectivement pour thème le Danemark, le pays invité d'honneur cette année, et la nouvelle "Marianne et la jeunesse".
Chacune de ces vignettes était proposée au public via 2 distributeurs différents, un avec impression sur papier thermique LISA 2 et un avec impression sur papier non thermique LISA 1.
Les vignettes LISA (tarif Ecopli) présentes sur le pli spécial du 9 novembre 2013 ci-dessous concernent le papier non thermique LISA 1.
La LISA à gauche, mise en page par Aurélie Baras, reprend les visuels des versions de la nouvelle Marianne (de Ciappa et Kawena), Lettre Prioritaire 20g et Lettre Verte 20g... http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/2013/11/les-2-lisa-du-salon-dautomne-2013.html
At the occasion of the 67th "Salon Philatélique d'Automne" held in Paris from 6 to 9 November 2013, the French Post has released two new "LISA" ATM stamps devoted respectively to Denmark, the guest of honor this year, and to the new "Marianne and Youth" definitive stamp.
Each of these ATM stamps was offered to the public through two different machines, one with printing on a "LISA 2" thermic paper and one with printing on a "LISA 1" non-thermic paper. The ATM stamps (Ecopli postal rate) present on this special cover below sent on November 9, 2013 were all printed on "LISA 1" non-thermic paper.
The LISA to the left, layout by Aurélie Baras, features the designs of two versions of the new Marianne stamp (by Ciappa and Kawena), Priority Letter 20g and Green Letter 20g... http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/2013/11/les-2-lisa-du-salon-dautomne-2013.html
Other nice letter from Eric Contesse, many tx.
Knihovnička maximafilatelisty
Ze zkušeností z jiných okruhů, například sběratelských filmových plakátů vím, jak je důležité a také hezké, když se o takovou přehlídku někdo pokusí. Ani nemusím jít nijak daleko, protože Exponet je také galerií filatelistických exponátů, kterou denně navštěvují stovky sběratelů, aby načerpali inspiraci, poučili se nebo se jen pokochali. V našem specializovaném oboru zatím tuto prezentaci postrádám i přes skutečnost, že dnes může kdokoliv na internetu publikovat zdarma. Proto je pro mne nejen povinností a také radostí napsat, že se o to někdo pokusil. Při našem výletu na Slovensko jsem náhodou narazil na publikaci Slovensko krajina, histórie, kultúry a prirodných krás v maximafílii, vydanou v letošním roce... http://cartesmaximum.blogspot.cz/2013/11/knihovnicka-maximafilatelisty.html
Pavel Kancnýř: http://cartesmaximum.blogspot.cz/
NEWS from Philasearch.com
- 58th Jennes & Kluetterman Auction
- Mirko Franke 63rd Auction
- Wapler 56th Auction
- Raritan Stamps, Inc. - 59th Stamp Auction
- Auktionshaus Lux 182nd Auction
- Potsdamer Philatelistisches Büro 50th Auction
- Corbitts 146th Stamps Auction
- Dresdner 168th Stamp Auction Sale
- Gert Müller 78th Auction - Addendum
- Historia Auktionshaus 117th Auction
- Auktionshaus Gut Bernstorf 43th Special Auction Asiatica
Last call:
- Dr. Reinhard Fischer 134th Auction
- Südphila Peter Feuser 78th Auction
- Darmstädter 39th Stamps & Coin Auction
- Harlos 32nd Postal History Auction
- Lippold 25th Auction
- Burda 41st Auction
- AB Philea 313th Auction - Coins
- Badisches Auktionshaus - Arts, Antiques, Coins & Stamps
- Gebrüder Michel Nachf. 7th Auction
- Asbit 14th Auction
- Schwanke 343rd Auction
- Edgar Mohrmann 206th Auction
Auktionshaus Gut Bernstorf 43th Special Auction Asiatica November 23, 2013
Special auction dedicated to Asiatica
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Historia Auktionshaus 117th Auction, November 29th - 30th, 2013
Art and Antiques auction.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Gert Müller 78th Auction - Addendum, November 29th - 30th, 2013
more lots and collections, coins and some jewellry.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Dresdner 168th Stamp Auction Sale, December 3rd - 4th, 2013
55 years Dresdner Stamp Auctions
Focus of this auction:
- Saar
- German Empire blocks of four
- OPD / SBZ and collections and untouched estates
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Corbitts 146th Stamps Auction, December 5th 2013
Stamp auction with strong section GB and british Commonwealth.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Auktionshaus Lux 182nd Auction, December 6th - 7th, 2013
Art & Antiques Auction
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Raritan Stamps, Inc. - 59th Stamp Auction December 6th - 7th, 2013
This Sale contains 1215 lots of rare Stamps and Postal History of the World with emphasis of British Commonwealth, Asia, Eastern and Western Europe; comprehensive Russian area material, including property of 36 owners. Among the highlights of this Sale are Falkland Islands Centenary Issue in mint never hinged condition, first class Russian rarities, including Imperial Telegraph stamp, Zeppelin issue in horizontal imperforated pairs, Bobrov Zemstvo of 3k black on lilac laid paper, the only stamp available for private collectors and over one hundred Collections, Accumulations and Selections.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Potsdamer Philatelistisches Büro 50th Auction December 6th - 7th, 2013
International auction with strong offer postal history and special catalogue the postal history of Schleswig Holstein.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Wapler 56th Auction, Dezember 7, 2013
Auction house Wapler Christian established December 1973 celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2013. The auction includes covers from a wide range of thematics and the matching topic covers are also available. The auction includes up to 300 different sections and individual areas. Other highlights are covers from technic, company, time, military and postal history and German local covers from the German Empire (crown / eagle) to about 1990. Available are mainly exquisite individual covers in the price range between 10 - and 100 - €. The main focus is on covers and cancels (no collections). The covers are described in detail, the quality of the covers is above average.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Mirko Franke 63rd Auction, December 7th, 2013
international auction offer.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
last call for:
Dr. Reinhard Fischer 134th Auction, November 15th - 16th, 2013
Coins. 2700 lots with a total starting price of 700,000 euros, included among others Bonn-Beueler gold coins from 1958 and dissolution of the collection "Josef Binder"
approximately 10,000 lots with approximately 1.7 million Euro combined starting price
- Germany extensive range with about 1200 lots
- German colonies excellent offer including Kiautschou 26B *
- Rediscovered world rarity after over 100 years!
- German areas heavily represented
- Collections on offer with over 1000 lots
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Südphila Peter Feuser 78th Auction, November 15th - 16th, 2013
The auction starts with the fabulous India Correspondence of Thomas Fiott de Havilland from the years 1809-1845 , where especially the historical and military content of interest is. You will continue to find a specialized selection of German States, including high-quality Pre Philatelic letters and postal forms , rare transit and fieldpost receipts. The southern states are as always particularly rich represented, including beautiful Baden- FPP, Bavaria with significant letters of the Rhine Palatinate. From the German Reich and Saarland are valuable wholesale sections and complete sheets on offer, including the Zeppelin series and Wagner in mint lots. The the small Worldwide section includes Finland No. 1 and 2 on very nice luxury letters also a Zurich 4 cents on cover. The collections on offer (250 lots) with an estimated value of 600,000 euros completes the auction.
There are particularly charming wordwide covers from the estate of a deceased trader, also many outstanding quality Standard collections and estates.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Darmstädter 39th Stamps & Coin Auction, November 16th 2013
Once again there are well over 8000 lots waiting for you, with many new and interesting pieces! Focus of the 39th Auction is the estate of Michelstadt with over 1000 albums divided in lots starting with 50€ for the small wallet up to the warehouse with a starting price of 20,000 euros!
Everzthing should be sold, so the starting price are very reasonable!
Furthermore we have a lot of estates. About 500 Coin lots complete this lucrative offer.
From the estate of a large Germany collection we can offer numerous top rarities of the Federal Republic, in particular post horn issues.
The 2nd Part starts with an exciting range of fresh estates and great collections.
The category Jewellery , Art & clutter with 250 great pieces at reasonable starting prices, often under the material value deserves your attention.
Well over 50 completely untouched Coins & Stamps estates, and 100 surprise boxes ranging from no starting bid up to 10,000 € round off this attractive offer!
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Harlos 32nd Postal History Auction, November 16th, 2013
Worldwide Postal history with covers, postal stationery, picture postcards, focusing on German colonies, China and East Asia
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Lippold 25th Auction, November 16th, 2013
Picture Postcard Auction with 9800 lots, a strong offer in the areas of ??former German territories.
Numerous large and small Lots! Good stock German silver coins and various bronze sculptures
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Burda 41st Auction, November 16th - 17th, 2013
This sale of Worldwide Stamps and Postal History will bring you again extraordinary offer of more than 3.000 lots with a wonderful selection of fine philatelic material, including singles, sets, collections and also large accumulations. The sale also contains marvelous postal history too.
We are quite sure you will appreciate as we have adjusted all of our starting prices for the auction.
The first day of auction, Saturday 16th of NOVEMBER 2013 will offer plenty of great items from classic period as unused Mauritius "POST PAID" - early impression, US PROVISIONAL "St. Louis Bear" 5c, Japan Occupation, spectacular South America Buenos Aires, great choice of colonies, Specimens, European classics and many more.
We also prepared interesting banknotes, medals and autographs.
The second auction day, Sunday 17th of NOVEMBER 2013 is maily aimed on Czechoslovak philately and will bring many noteworthy lots, such as very rare trial printing of Hradcany, also POSTA CESKOSLOVENSKA 1919 FLUGPOST 1,50K/2K, narrow and lot of interesting items. Enjoy our sale!
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
AB Philea 313th Auction - Coins, November 16th, 2013
Welcome to our 25th Anniversary Jubilee Auction (No 314). The auction contains over 2200 philatelic lots from all of the World. There is a good range of e.g. Scandinavia, British Commonwealth, Germany, China and much more. Our 5th Coin Auction will take place on November 16, a week before the Jubilee auction.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Badisches Auktionshaus - Arts, Antiques, Coins & Stamps November 18th, 2013
Arts, Antiques, stamps and coins auction sale
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Gebrüder Michel Nachf. 7th Auction, November 19th, 2013
The 7th Gebrüder Michel Nachf. Auction includes a very wide range of content.
Featuring many lots about "Modern Private mail in Germany", Meter Stamps, Zeppelin mail and many others.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Asbit 14th Auction, November 20th, 2013
Auction specialized in Danzig and Poland.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Schwanke 343rd Auction - Schwanke Special November 21st - 23rd, 2013
The Schwanke specials including the complete Study collection "Hamburg" from the estate of the professional philatelist C.H. Lange, who died 45 years ago.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Schwanke 343rd Auction, November 21st - 23rd, 2013
The 343 Auction features a comprehensive range, starting with the known SCHWANKE SPECIALS including the RICHMOND COLLECTION Confederate States, worldwide Postal History with emphasis on "British Empire" postal stationery in the SIR WILSON COLLECTION. There is also a special section of Ethiopia, about 300 lots philatelic literature and over 1600 items and collections.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Edgar Mohrmann 206th Auction, November 21st - 23rd 2013
Large international auction offer including special section "the collection of Günter Ansorge", also a large section lots and collections and last but not least coins and medals.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Edgar Mohrmann 206th Auction - Special Catalog Günter Ansorge Collection November 21st - 23rd 2013
We are proud to present the high-quality collection from Günter Ansorge in this special catalog. Next to issues of the northern German states before unification in 1871 it is primarily focused on the stamps of the German Empire until 1945 with an extraordinary wealth of top quality rarities.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
152th Rauss & Fuchs Auction, November 22-23, 2013
international auction of stamps and coins.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
99th SAAR Specialised Auction, November 23rd, 2013
Hans-Jürgen Steffen GmbH, Saarbrücken
The Comprehensive and specialized SAAR offer.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
AB Philea 313th Auction - Jubilee Auction November 23rd, 2013
Welcome to our 25th Anniversary Jubilee Auction (No 314). The auction contains over 2200 philatelic lots from all of the World. There is a good range of e.g. Scandinavia, British Commonwealth, Germany, China and much more. Our 5th Coin Auction will take place on November 16, a week before the Jubilee auction.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Götz 355th Auction, November 26th - 28th 2013
International auction sale with strong offer Germany and German territorries.
Also many lots and collections.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
the special catalogue:
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Thomas Fischer 2nd online-auction, November 27th, 2013
Interesting selection of postal history lots including strong part from Thurn and Taxis Nice collection section
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Gert Müller 78th Auction - Collections, November 29th - 30th, 2013
The 78th Gert Müller auction has the most extensive selection in our company history.
A variety of large and substantial estates, lots and collections. In addition there is a comprehensive liquidation part filled with collections and lots. Furthermore a very beautiful part of individual lots including rarities as well as special SBZ collection catalogs Prof. Dr. Hubertus J.
Buchheit and Special Federal Republic of Gerd Bennewirtz. A considerable coins section with extensive lots and rare unique pieces completes the comprehensive range. A total of five auction catalogs are published. An addendum catalog will be sent in mid-November.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Liquidation lots:
Single Lots:
SBZ Collection Prof. Dr. Buchheit:
Federal Republic Stock Gerd Bennewirtz
Hettinger 35th Auction, 29th November 2013
Auction sale specialized in germany and german aerea. Traditional large section combinations and booklets.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
AIX-Phila - 53rd Stamp Auction, November 29th - 30th, 2013
More than 3,700 lots where about 1,500 are items and collections Resolution of a German block of four collection from 1872, with numerous high quality items Extensive dealer stock Federal Republic / Berlin Large amounts of above average quality goods with certificate Untouched collections from Germany to China from private hands Coins with an abundance of Prussia Thaler Very moderate starting prices!
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Teutoburger 79th coin auction, November 29th - 30th, 2013
Large Coin and Banknote auction sale
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Auctionhouse Rosslau 46th Auction, November 30, 2013
There are over 3400 lots from all German collection areas, Europe and Overseas available in our autumn auction.
The main focus is as usual numerous letters and postcards with interesting postages and uses of commercial covers. Also worth mentioning is a good collection of postage steps of the Silesia region and a nice SBZ cover collection with beautiful and rare frankings and cancellations from the OPD Mecklenburg. Also including a extensive estate collection, DDR collection and various other collections.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Thomas Juranek 21st Auction, December 6th, 2013
Focus of this auction are ?2 Rep. temporaries? and local issues, airmail, in particular postal stationery with the particular rarity of the picture postcard printing sheets 1936/37, (lot 989), freaks and errors with a rare block of 4 printing error of the "white mouth" (lot 1537) and the thematic ?Trachtenausgabe?, as well as two fine collections Olympics and Richard Wagner
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
W. Fuerst 16th Int. Stamp Auction, December 6th - 7th 2013
Auction with strong section Switzerland.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
58th Jennes & Kluetterman Auction, December 7th 2013
This Auction includes a rich selection for collectors and researchers.
Resolution of a very extensive collection of German foreign post offices and colonies with many rarities.
Poland with proofs and rare stamps.
Hanover with resolution of a very large collection with many rare pieces.
Canada and USA with good unused and mint stamps.
Austria with yellow and pink mercury and rare errors.
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Michael Honegger 50th Auction, December 10th, 2013
Mailauction with better priced single lots as well as lots and collections.
Strong selection of items from Switzerland
Here you can view all auction lots at philasearch.com:
Enjoy browsing through our offers.
Your PhilaSearch.com team
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63877 Sailauf
E-Mail: service@philasearch.com
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Franz Fedra, Wolfram Eisert, Walter Christ