7. 3. 2015

New York 2016: Exhibiting Newsletter Released

World Stamp Show-NY 2016 is pleased to report the release of its seventh quarterly newsletter, this one with important information for exhibitors.  It is available online at 
The five page issue provides a comprehensive summary of details every potential exhibitor should know about.  Articles reference exhibiting basics and exhibit classifications, applications and acceptance, judges and judging, scoring and prizes.  Most useful is a timeline of important dates covering the overall application process.
An application and a PDF copy of The Bulletin are downloadable from the WSS-NY 2016 web site.  Hard copies may be requested directly from commissioners appointed by their respective FIP national philatelic organizations. 
Their contact information can be found at http://www.ny2016.org/SubMenu/The_Commissioners.aspx?id=519. Forms must be returned to the appropriate national commissioner no later than August.
World Stamp Show-NY 2016 takes place May 28 through June 4, 2016 at the Javits Center in New York City.  Follow the show on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
Thomas M. Fortunato
Chairman, Marketing & Public Relations
28 Amberwood Place
Rochester, NY 14626-4166
(585) 225-6822 evenings and weekends