Locomotives and personalities of culture, architecture and World War II on Czech cover / Locomotives et figures de la culture, architecture et 2e guerre mondiale sur lettre tchèque
Le 7 juin 2017, la poste tchèque a mis en circulation 4 nouvelles séries de timbres consacrés respectivement au "Monde sur les rails" à travers 2 locomotives historiques (tarif "A"), au poète Josef Kainar (16 CZK), à l'architecte Jože Plečnik (bloc-feuillet composé de 2 timbres identiques à 32 CZK + vignette centrale) et à Heliodor Píka (37 CZK), héros de la lutte contre l'occupant Nazi pendant la 2ème guerre mondiale.
Bret a eu la gentillesse de m'envoyer cette splendide lettre, envoyée en recommandé de Prague le 1er jour d'émission, affranchie avec ces 4 nouvelles séries de timbres dont je reparlerai plus en détail dans un prochain article sur ce blog... http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/2017/06/locomotives-and-personalities-of.html
On June 7, 2017, the Czech Post issued four new series of stamps dedicated respectively to the "World on the Rails" through two historic locomotives ("A" rate), the poet Josef Kainar (16 CZK), the architect Jože Plečnik (a souvenir sheet consisting of two identical 32 CZK stamps + central coupon) and to Heliodor Píka (37 CZK), a hero of struggle against Nazi occupation during World War II.
Bret was kind enough to send me this beautiful letter, sent by registered mail from Prague on the first day of issue, franked with these 4 new series of stamps about which I will talk more precisely in a future article on this blog... http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/2017/06/locomotives-and-personalities-of.html
Eric Contesse: http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/
Bret a eu la gentillesse de m'envoyer cette splendide lettre, envoyée en recommandé de Prague le 1er jour d'émission, affranchie avec ces 4 nouvelles séries de timbres dont je reparlerai plus en détail dans un prochain article sur ce blog... http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/2017/06/locomotives-and-personalities-of.html
On June 7, 2017, the Czech Post issued four new series of stamps dedicated respectively to the "World on the Rails" through two historic locomotives ("A" rate), the poet Josef Kainar (16 CZK), the architect Jože Plečnik (a souvenir sheet consisting of two identical 32 CZK stamps + central coupon) and to Heliodor Píka (37 CZK), a hero of struggle against Nazi occupation during World War II.
Bret was kind enough to send me this beautiful letter, sent by registered mail from Prague on the first day of issue, franked with these 4 new series of stamps about which I will talk more precisely in a future article on this blog... http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/2017/06/locomotives-and-personalities-of.html
Eric Contesse: http://timbredujura.blogspot.com/